Planning Committee Notice of Complete Application Jan. 17
Additional information about the proposed amendment(s) can be viewed by accessing the Development and Services Hub (DASH) at Enquiries may be made by contacting the assigned planner identified below between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.
For more information about these matters, including information about appeal rights, contact Planning Services via:
Mail: 216 Ontario Street, Kingston, ON K7L 2Z3
Telephone: 613-546-4291 ext. 3180
Notice of Complete Application
File Number: D35-007-2024
Address: 700 Gardiners Road
Application Type: Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-Law Amendment and Modification to Draft Plan of Subdivision
Applicant: Taggart (Gardiners) Corp. and Fotenn Planning + Design
Purpose and Effect of the Application: to redesignate and rezone the lands and amend the conditionally approved draft plan of subdivision to enable a mixed-use community that contains 332 dwelling units with a 1.18 hectare block for commercial use. The proposal reduces the area intended for commercial uses, resulting in a minimum commercial floor area of 2000 m2, and enables additional housing in the form of an approximately 11-storey apartment building fronting onto Taylor Kidd Boulevard, as well as 128 townhouses, 40 back-to-back townhouses and 14 semi-detached dwellings. The proposal also includes approximately 0.58 hectares of parkland, located at the terminus of Wheathill Street, a continuation of the local street network and pedestrian linkages to Rockwell Drive and Demers Avenue.
An official plan amendment is required to redesignate portions the site from District Commercial to Residential and to amend the site-specific commercial policies on the site. A zoning by-law amendment is required to rezone portions of the site from District Commercial (CD) to Urban Residential Zone 3 and to apply exception overlays to the whole site to permit the proposed uses. The overlay for the ground oriented residential units will continue the performance standards that have been established in previous phases of the West Village subdivision.
A public meeting will be scheduled in the future for these applications. If you would like to be directly notified of the timing and location of this meeting, please contact an assigned planner identified further below.
Description of the subject lands: The site is located at 700 Gardiners Road and has an area of approximately 7.6 hectares. The subject site is designated District Commercial and Residential within Site Specific Policy Area #58 on Schedule 3-A of the City of Kingston Official Plan and is split-zoned District Commercial (CD), subject to Legacy Exception L125, Urban Multi-Residential Zone 1 (URM1), subject to Legacy Exception L406, and Open Space (OS2) Zone in Kingston Zoning By-law 2022-62, as amended.
Assigned Planners: Amy Didrikson, Senior Planner,, 613-546-4291 ext. 3296 & Niki Van Vugt, Intermediate Planner, ext. 3253
Notice of Collection: Personal information collected as a result of this meeting is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), the Planning Act, and all other relevant legislation, and will be used to assist in making a decision on this matter. All personal information (as defined by MFIPPA), including (but not limited to) names, addresses, opinions and comments collected will be made available for public disclosure to members of the public, at the meeting, through requests, and through the website of The Corporation of the City of Kingston. Questions regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of this personal information may be directed to the Director of Planning Services, 216 Ontario Street, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 2Z3.
Dated: at Kingston Ontario
this 17th day of January, 2025
Janet Jaynes
City Clerk
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Kingston, ON K7L 2Z3
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