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Fees and Charges Bylaw

Bylaw #: 2025-6

Description: Provides the fees and charges for 2025 calendar year.

Date passed: December 17, 2024

Disclaimer: Bylaws contained in this section have been prepared for research and reference purposes only. The original Fees & Charges Bylaw in pdf format is available from the Office of the City Clerk upon request.


The City is a single-tier municipality incorporated pursuant to an order made under section 25.2 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.45.

The powers of a municipality must be exercised by its council (Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25 (the Municipal Act, 2001"), s. 5 (1)).

A municipal power must be exercised by bylaw unless the municipality is specifically authorized to do otherwise (Municipal Act, 2001, s. 5 (3)).

A bylaw respecting a matter may:

  1. regulate or prohibit respecting the matter;
  2. require persons to do things respecting the matter; and
  3. provide for a system of licences respecting the matter (Municipal Act, 2001, s. 8 (3)).

A single tier municipality may provide any service or thing that the municipality considers necessary or desirable for the public (Municipal Act, 2001, s. 10 (1).

A single-tier municipality may pass bylaws respecting:

  1. economic, social and environmental well-being of the municipality, including respecting climate change;
  2. health, safety and well-being of persons;
  3. protection of persons and property, including consumer protection;
  4. structures, including fences and signs; and
  5. business licensing (Municipal Act, 2001, s. 10 (2)).

A municipality may delegate its powers and duties under the Municipal Act, 2001 to a person or body subject to the restrictions set out in Part II of the Municipal Act, 2001 (s. 23.1 (1)).

Sections 9, 10 and 11 of the Municipal Act, 2001 authorize a municipality to impose fees on persons,

  1. for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of it;
  2. for costs payable by it for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of any other municipality or any local board; and
  3. for the use of its property including property under its control (Municipal Act, 2001, s. 391 (1)).

A municipality may impose a fee for capital costs related to services or activities on persons not receiving an immediate benefit from the services or activities but who will receive a benefit at some later point in time (Municipal Act, 2001, s. 391 (2)).

The costs included in a fee may include costs incurred by the municipality related to administration, enforcement and the establishment, acquisition and replacement of capital assets (Municipal Act, 2001, s. 391 (3)).

The City incurs additional costs related to administration and enforcement when fees are due and unpaid.

Fees imposed by a municipality on a person constitute a debt of the person to the municipality (Municipal Act, 2001, s. 398 (1)).

The treasurer of a municipality may add fees imposed by the municipality to the tax roll for the following property in the municipality and collect them in the same manner as municipal taxes:

  1. in the case of fees for the supply of a service or thing to a property, the property to which the service or thing was supplied; and
  2. in all other cases, any property for which all of the owners are responsible for paying the fees (Municipal Act, 2001, s. 398 (2)).

The council of a municipality, by bylaw, may establish a tariff of fees for the processing of applications made in respect of applications made in respect of planning matters, which tariff must be designed to meet only the anticipated costs to the municipality or to a

committee of adjustment or land division committee constituted by the council of the municipality or to the planning board in respect of the procession of each type of application provided for in the tariff (Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, s. 69 (1)).

The council of a municipality may pass bylaws applicable to the matters for which and in the area in which the municipality has jurisdiction for the enforcement of the Building Code Act requiring the payment of fees and prescribing the amount of the fees:

  1. on the application for and on issuance of permits;
  2. for maintenance inspections; and
  3. for providing documentation, records or other information.

The council of a municipality may by bylaw fix its reasonable administrative fees to be paid to the municipality in relation to proceedings under the Line Fences Act (Line Fences Act, s. 17).

Council considers it necessary and desirable for the public to impose fees on persons.

Therefore, council enacts:

1.1 This bylaw may be cited as the Fees & Charges Bylaw, 2025.

1.2 In this bylaw:

Annual CPI change means the percentage change between the Ontario Consumer Price Index for the third quarter of the calendar year that is one year before the year in which the adjustment is being made and the third quarter of the Ontario Consumer Price Index that is two years before the year in which the adjustment is being made;

City means The Corporation of the City of Kingston;

Clerk means the individual appointed by the City as clerk or the clerk’s designate;

Collection agency means a collection agency registered by the Registrar under the Collection and Debt Settlement Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.14;

Council means the council of the City;

Director means the director of a City department;

Fee means a fee or charge imposed by the City under sections 9, 10 or 11 of the Municipal Act, 2001;

Municipal Act, 2001 means the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25;

Schedule means a schedule to this bylaw;

Treasurer means the individual appointed by the City as treasurer or the treasurer’s designate.

1.3 For the purposes of interpreting this bylaw:

  1. a reference to any legislation, regulation, or bylaw or to a provision thereof includes a reference to any legislation, regulation or bylaw enacted, made or passed in substitution thereof or amendment thereof;
  2. any reference to legislation or bylaws includes all of the regulations made thereunder;
  3. "include", "includes" and "including" indicate that the subsequent list is not exhaustive; and
  4. to "provide" a service or activity includes to do the service or activity.

1.4 This bylaw will not be interpreted as exempting any person from the requirement to comply with any other City bylaw or federal or provincial legislation. In the event of conflict between the provisions of this bylaw and any other City bylaw, the provision that establishes the higher standard of health, safety and well-being of persons and protection of persons will apply.

2.1 The treasurer is responsible for the administration of this bylaw.

2.2 The treasurer may rectify minor administrative oversights in respect of a fee set out in a schedule.

2.3 Where this bylaw provides that the treasurer may do an act, it may be done by an individual authorized by the treasurer to do the act.

2.4 The treasurer may make regulations prescribing when a fee or class of fees becomes due and payable and the manner in which a fee or class of fees must paid.

2.5 The treasurer may waive a fee in accordance with the City’s Waiver of Fees Policy or its successor.

2.6 The treasurer may authorize one or more collection agencies to collect fees that are due and unpaid on behalf of the City, including by purchasing those debts and collecting them.

3.1 This bylaw imposes, establishes, fixes and requires the payment of the fees out in the column with a fee amount in a schedule:

  1. for the corresponding service or activity provided or done by or on behalf of the City;
  2. for the corresponding costs payable by the City for a service or activity provided or done by or on behalf of any other municipality or any local board; and
  3. for the corresponding use of the City’s property including property under City’s control;

set out in the column describing the service, activity or use of City property in that schedule.

3.2 This bylaw imposes an additional fee in the form of an interest charge on fees or any portion of fees that are due and unpaid at the rate of 1½ percent per month for each month or fraction of a month during with the fees that are due remain unpaid.

3.3 The City will collect harmonized value-added taxes on all fees in accordance with the Excise Tax Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. E-15.

3.4 Subject to any regulation made by the treasurer, fees are due and payable at the time:

  1. the person requests that the City provide the service or activity;
  2. the person requests to use the City’s property;
  3. the person makes the application in respect of a planning matter;
  4. the person makes the application under the Building Code Act;
  5. the person requests the maintenance inspection under the Building Code Act;
  6. the person requests that the City provide documentation, records or other information; or
  7. as otherwise agreed to in writing by the person and the City;

or, if the person did not make such a request or application, fees are due and payable at the time the City provides the service, activity, maintenance inspection, documentation, records or other information, or the City permits the person to use its property.

3.5 The treasurer may add fees to the City’s tax roll for the following property in the City of Kingston and collect them in the same manner as municipal taxes:

  1. in the case of fees for the supply of a service or thing to a property, the property to which the service or thing was supplied; and
  2. in all other cases, any property for which all of the owners are responsible for paying the fees.

3.6 If the treasurer adds fees to the City’s tax roll under a property under section 3.2, that amount, including interest:

  1. may be collected in the same manner as taxes on the property; may be recovered with costs as a debt due to the City from the assessed
  2. owner of the property at the time the fee was added to the tax roll and from any subsequent owner of the property or party of it;
  3. is a special lien on the property in the same manner as are taxes under subsection 349 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001; and
  4. may be included in the cancellation price under Part XI of the Municipal Act, 2001 in the same manner as are taxes on the property.

3.7 Each year, every director must review and determine or adjust the fees for which the director is responsible in accordance with sections 3.8 and 3.9.

3.8 Subject to section 3.9 a director may generally adjust the amount of a fee on January 1 of each year by the annual CPI change, plus one per cent for capital costs related to the service or activity.

3.9 When determining or adjusting the amount of a fee, a director must ensure that:

  1. there is a connection between the fee and the cost of the service or activity provided or done on behalf of the City, including:
    1. capital costs, operating costs, administration costs and any other costs related to the service or activity; and
    2. any such costs offset by other revenue, including taxes, grants or subsidies; and
  2. the fee is reasonable, including relative to prices for similar services or activities in Ontario provided by persons other than the City.

4.1 In the event of a conflict between a fee or charge made under any other bylaw and a fee made under this bylaw, the fee made under this bylaw prevails.

4.2 This bylaw will come into force and take effect on January 1, 2025.

This Bylaw received Third reading and Passed on December 17, 2024.


Finance and Property Taxation

All fees listed in the table below are HST exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Additional charge added to tax bill Each $37.00
Administering oaths or declarations Each $43.00
Administering oaths or declarations – Municipal Fee Assistance Program (MFAP) eligible residents Each $21.50
Affidavit for non-profit housing matters Each $10.00
Burial permit Each $46.00
Marriage licence Each $183.00
Marriage licence - Municipal Fee Assistance Program (MFAP) eligible residents Each $91.50
New owner / new roll setup Each $37.00
Payment reversal fee Each Service fee recovery
Refund of payment on overpaid taxes Each $37.00
Returned or dishonoured payment Each $44.00
Tax certificate / statement (Section 352, Municipal Act, 2001) Each $85.00
Taxpayer's account information / statement; letter for Income Tax per tax year Each $18.00
Transfer of payment between tax accounts Each $25.00

Cemetery Fees

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Internment (burial) rights:

Fee Description Unit Fee
Single plot (one full burial or two cremations permitted per plot, includes one-time care and maintenance fee) Each $1,326.12
Cornerstones (set of four required per plot) Set $200.00
Internment rights transfer fee Each $200.00
Internment rights repurchase fee Each $200.00
Lot marking fee Each $100.00

Markers (monuments):

Fee Description Unit Fee
Marking fee Each $100.00
Flat marker (smaller than 173 square inches) Each $0.00
Flat marker (173 square inches or larger) Each $100.00
Upright marker (measuring more than four feet in either height or length, including base) Each $400.00

City Clerk's Office

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) unless HST exempt is indicated. Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Document search [pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection Act (MFIPPA)] Hourly $30.00 HST exempt
Photocopy of document, including bylaws Page $0.31
Photocopy or printing of document - colour Page $1.33
Copy of large format drawings Page $15.00
Scan of large format drawings Page $10.00
Request for attendance of Fence Viewer Request $328.85
Fence Viewer remuneration Daily $212.21
Civil marriage solemnization Each $350.00
Civil marriage solemnization - Municipal Fee Assistance Program (MFAP) eligible residents Each $160.00
Provision of witness for civil marriage solemnization Each $25.00

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
GIS rate for custom mapping Hourly $98.45

Real Estate & Land Development

All associated costs, including but not limited to legal fees, disbursements, appraisals, surveys, and registration costs, are in addition to the fee.

Fee excludes employment land sales.

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Property disposition request initiated by external party Each $794.60


An Environmental Compliance Letter includes, but is not limited to, environmental records search, record on site condition (RSC) standards, dewatering review, and as applicable.

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) unless HST exempt is indicated. Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Environmental Engineer/Geoscientist/Ecologist support Hourly $201.02
Environmental Technologist support Hourly $123.27
Environmental compliance letter Each $126.70 HST exempt
Spill response vehicle Hourly $26.50
Maximum for spill response vehicle Daily $106.11
Consumables - spill response materials Each At market rate

Human Resources & Organization Development

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Full day corporate training workshop Participant $177.17

Public Works – Commemorations

Fee charged to users shall be based on cost of material and/or time, through the delegated authority of the Operations Managers of Public Works.

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Commemoration on bench 10 years $1,069.20
Extension to commemoration on bench Additional 10 years $712.88
Commemorative tree Tree $614.96


All fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Subdivision agreement Each $2,133.81
Site plan control agreement Each $702.17
Construction lien search Each $126.75
Pre-servicing and model home agreement Each $702.17
Construction agreement Each $702.17
Road closure Each $702.17
Simple agreement - committee of adjustment (COA) agreement; granny suite / garden suite, encroachment agreement Each $610.22
Release agreement from title Each $245.97
Complex agreement - front-end agreement; cost sharing agreement; development agreement, and utility agreement Each $1,592.92
Amend subdivision agreement or site plan Control agreement Each $702.17
Registration of bylaws or documents on title - part lot control bylaws; other documents Each $408.36
Consent to applications to first registration in Land Titles Each $245.97
Attend court or Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) in support of applicant on decision of staff or committee under delegated authority, Council, Committee of Adjustment, in zoning bylaw matters, heritage bylaw matters, or other proceeding Half day $5,269.38
Attend court or Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) in support of applicant on decision of staff or committee under delegated authority, Council, Committee of Adjustment, in zoning bylaw matters, heritage bylaw matters, or other proceeding Full day $9,300.49
Other agreements - cost recovery as per agreement including10% administration fee Each Cost recovery
Recovery from the debtor (defendant) of actual costs, not to exceed 20%, paid by the City to the collection agency to collect defaulted Provincial Offences Act (POA) fines Each 20%

Provincial Offences Room Rentals

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Courtroom Hourly $49.29

Springer Market Square

Basic Lease Rate

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
First row corner Stall space $972.40
First row Stall space $892.60
Second row corner Stall space $892.60
Second row Stall space $817.25
Third row corner Stall space $892.60
Third row Stall space $743.55
Market street stall 62 to 73 - parking provided Stall space $743.55
Market street stall 62 to 73 - parking not provided Stall space $450.00

Daily and Other Rates

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Casual - produce Stall space $31.80
Casual - craft Stall space $51.75
Advertising Stall space $18.25
Application jury review Application $26.39


Children: 3 to 14 years (HST exempt)

Youth: 15 to 24 years

Senior: 65 plus years

Adult: 25 to 64 years

Family: Maximum of 2 adults and their children/youth

Season Pass

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fees for 'Children' are HST exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Children Each $11.45
Youth Each $18.85
Senior Each $18.85
Adult Each $22.96
Family Each $49.16


All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fees for 'Children' are HST exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Children Each $3.80
Youth Each $6.28
Senior Each $6.28
Adult Each $7.65
Family Each $21.86

Tour Programs

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fees for 'Children' are HST exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Children 75-minute program - Each $4.95
Children Half day - Each $8.95
Children Full day - Each $17.60
Youth Each $7.43
Senior Each $7.43
Adult Each $7.43
Walking tours Each $5.44

Heritage Reference Materials

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Volumes – Buildings of Architectural Significance Each $74.20

Venue Rentals

Museum spaces cannot be reserved for less than two hours.

All time blocks must be inclusive of all pre-event and post-event preparation time.

Engineerium (Pump House Steam Museum)

Additional rental equipment and furniture arranged by Pump House Steam Museum is charged at cost plus 10%.

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Kingston Non-Profit Fee Out of Town Non-Profit Fee Commercial Fee
Weekday Hourly $85.04 $97.79 $195.58
Weekend Hourly $99.29 $114.25 $228.50
Evening (after 6:00 p.m.) Hourly $99.29 $114.25 $228.50
Rental Full day $612.30 $704.12 $1,408.23
Full PA system Space rental $20.18 $23.23 $26.19

Gordon C. Leitch Discovery Centre (Pump House Steam Museum)

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Kingston Non-Profit Fee Out of Town Non-Profit Fee Commercial Fee
Weekday Hourly $75.66 $86.95 $174.07
Weekend Hourly $85.80 $98.67 $197.39
Evening (after 6:00 p.m.) Hourly $85.80 $98.67 $197.39
Rental Full day $544.51 $626.24 $1,248.23

Entire Museum (Pump House Steam Museum and MacLachlan Woodworking Museum)

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Kingston Non-Profit Fee Out of Town Non-Profit Fee Commercial Fee
Weekday hourly rate Hourly $94.16 $108.36 $216.73
Weekend Hourly $112.79 $129.73 $259.47
Evening (after 6:00 p.m.) Hourly $112.79 $129.73 $259.47
Rental Full day $677.35 $780.04 $1,560.18

Performance Lease Rates

All time blocks must be inclusive of all pre-event and post-event preparation time.

Base rate includes cleaning, front of house coordinator, ushers, and ticket takers.

Regina Rosen Auditorium

Seats up to 775 depending on set-up.

Daily rental includes use of Green Room and Main Level lobby, Davies Lounge and Balcony Lobby (excludes use of the Baby Grand and Springer Lounge).

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Kingston Non- Profit (Artists) Fee Kingston Community Groups Fee Commercial Fee
Rental Full day $1,109.38 $1,165.13 $2,470.75
Rental Full week (6 Days) $6,047.96 $6,350.09 $12,347.83
Additional same day performance Each $605.35 $634.91 $1,234.25
Rehearsal for each day of performance Monday - Thursday $605.35 $634.91 $1,234.25
Rehearsal for each day of performance Friday - Sunday $832.39 $874.16 $1,852.79

Baby Grand

Seats 65 to 100 depending on set-up.

Daily rental includes use of Baby Grand and Springer Lounge (excludes use of the Regina Rosen Auditorium, Davies Lounge, or other lobby spaces).

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Kingston Non- Profit (Artists) Fee Kingston Community Groups Fee Commercial Fee
Rental Full day $209.03 $219.65 $987.79
Rental Half day $154.91 $162.30 $741.37
Rental Full week (6 days) $691.15 $724.73 $3,458.27
Additional same day performance Each $154.91 $162.30 $741.37

Non-Performance Lease Rates

Space rentals to accommodate meetings, conferences, etc.

Spaces cannot be reserved for less than 3 hours.

All time blocks must be inclusive of all pre-event and post-event preparation time.

Davies Lounge is only available when the Regina Rosen Auditorium is not booked.

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Kingston Non- Profit (Artists) Fee Kingston Community Groups Fee Commercial Fee
Davies Lounge Hourly $126.73 $133.32 $256.28
Baby Grand Hourly $57.08 $60.09 $346.37

Equipment and Staffing

Fee Description Unit Kingston Non-Profit (Artists) Fee Kingston Community Groups Fee Commercial Fee
Full PA system Performance $296.95 $311.68 $587.04
Full System with on- stage monitoring and monitor console Performance $477.48 $502.12 $799.34
Weekly Rental Single performance 2.5 times 2.5 times 2.5 times
Rental equipment arranged by Grand Theatre Each rental Cost + 10% Cost + 10% Cost + 10%

House Sound System – Regina Rosen Auditorium

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Other Equipment

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Kingston Non-Profit (Artists) Fee Kingston Community Groups Fee Commercial Fee
Piano Single use $290.97 $306.28 $443.67
Piano Week $728.27 $764.96 $1,141.95
Piano tuning Each Cost + 10% Cost + 10% Cost + 10%
Drum kit - house Each $86.33 $90.44 $124.60
Bass amplifier - house Each $42.88 $44.78 $80.88
Hazer - house Single use $31.81 $31.81 $31.81
Projector and Screen - Regina Rosen Auditorium Single use $190.09 $198.89 $326.15
Materials/Supplies Each rental Cost + 10% Cost + 10% Cost + 10%
Music licensing fees (Entandem)* As required Cost Cost Cost

∗ Music licensing fees are established by Entandem on behalf of SOCAN and Re-Sound and are charged as required and where applicable as an industry standard (

Recording and Streaming Services* - Regina Rosen Auditorium

∗ Plus applicable Production Personnel Costs

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Kingston Non-Profit (Artists) Fee Kingston Community Groups Fee Commercial Fee
Basic One camera $54.65 $65.58 $163.94
Intermediate Three cameras $109.29 $131.11 $327.79
Advanced Five cameras $163.94 $196.68 $491.73

Production Personnel Costs – Regular

Rates applied as per the IATSE Agreement

These fees are associated with and in addition to the Recording and Services fees.

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Kingston Non- Profit (Artists) Fee Kingston Community Groups Fee Commercial Fee
House technicians (carded) Hourly $43.72 $43.72 $43.72
Regular stagehands Hourly $41.55 $41.55 $41.55
Security Hourly $32.79 $32.79 $32.79

Marketing Support

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Kingston Non- Profit (Artists) Fee Kingston Community Groups Fee Commercial Fee
Marketing Support Ticket Office Charges Fees listed in the table (Harmonized Sales Tax) added at time of purchase. Fee Description Service fee to lessee E-blast Charges to Renter table below do not Tax) unless "HST purchase. Unit - Ticket n/a Renter not include applicable "HST exempt" is indicated. Unit Ticket Kingston Non-Profit (Artists) Fee $1.68 n/a applicable taxes and are subject indicated. Applicable taxes Kingston Community Groups Fee $1.68 $360.49 subject to HST taxes will be Commercial Fee $1.73

Ticket Office Charges to Renter

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) unless "HST exempt" is indicated. Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Kingston Non-Profit (Artists) Fee Kingston Community Groups Fee Commercial Fee
Service fee to lessee - Regina Rosen Auditorium Ticket $1.68 $1.68 $1.73
Service fee to lessee - Baby Grand Ticket $1.33 $1.33 $1.73
Service fee to lessee - school performances in Regina Rosen Auditorium Ticket $1.33 $1.33 $1.37
Service fee to lessee - Tickets sold under $10 Ticket $1.33 $1.33 $1.37
Credit card fees to renter Ticket 4% HST exempt 4% HST exempt 4% HST exempt

Ticket Office Service Charges to Ticket Buyer

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Kingston Non-Profit (Artists) Fee Kingston Community Groups Fee Commercial Fee
Online, phone and counter sales Ticket $4.03 $4.03 $4.03
Subscription handling charge Subscription $15.88 $15.88 n/a

Capital Improvement Surcharge

Not applied to tickets purchased for streamed events.

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Kingston Non-Profit (Artists) Fee Kingston Community Groups Fee Commercial Fee
Seat sold Seat $2.96 $2.96 $2.96
Student performances tickets Seat $1.37 $1.37 $1.37
Baby Grand performances Seat $1.37 $1.37 $1.37


Child: 3 to 14 years

Youth: 15 to 24 years

Senior: 65 plus years

Adult: 25 to 64 years

Family: Adult(s) and child(ren) in same household; 2 – 8 individuals

Fitness Centres: INVISTA Centre, Kingston East Community Centre and Artillery Park Aquatic Centre

Fitness or Pool Membership

Includes access to one facility. Cardio/weight room and gym or pool.

Family rate for pool or gymnasium only. Does not include access to cardio/weight room.

No fee for Municipal Fee Assistance Program (MFAP) users.

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) unless the Fee Description indicates "taxes included". Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fees for a child 14 years and under are HST exempt.

Fee Description Unit Child Youth and Senior Adult Family
Gym or Pool – swim and sauna only – taxes included Visit $3.85 $5.80 $6.90 $4.25 (per person)
Gym or pool – taxes included 12 visits $43.75 $64.40 $75.70 n/a
Gym or pool 1 Month $25.50 $32.95 $40.45 $80.50
Gym or pool 6 Month $100.70 $133.65 $166.60 $312.75
Gym or pool Annual $164.55 $223.75 $279.15 $534.50


Fitness Orientation: No fee for Municipal Fee Assistance Program (MFAP) users.

Personal Training Start Up:

  • 3 sessions package: One hour assessment and 3 hours training
  • 5 sessions package: One hour assessment and 5 hours training
  • 10 sessions package: One hour assessment and 10 hours training
  • 15 sessions package: One hour assessment and 15 hours training

Personal Training discounts:

  • 3 hours - 3%
  • 5 hours - 5%
  • 10 hours - 8%
  • 15 hours - 10%

Personal Training at second person rate: 25% discount for second person. One hour assessment required prior to discounted per visit rate.

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fees for a child 14 years and under are HST exempt.

Fee Description Unit Child Youth and Senior Adult Family
Fitness orientation 30 minutes $20.50 $20.50 $20.50 n/a
Assessment One hour $41.50 $41.50 $41.50 n/a
Team circuit training 45 minutes $104.00 $104.00 $104.00 n/a
Personal training One hour n/a $76.50 $76.50 n/a
Personal training start up 3 sessions package n/a $255.75 $255.75 n/a
Personal training start up 5 sessions package n/a $423.25 $423.25 n/a
Personal training start up 10 sessions package n/a $765.00 $765.00 n/a
Personal training start up 15 sessions package n/a $1,091.50 $1,091.50 n/a
Personal training at second person rate One hour n/a $58.50 $58.50 n/a

All Inclusive Fit Pass Membership

Includes access to Artillery Park Aquatic Centre, INVISTA Centre, Kingston East Community Centre, Boys and Girls Club, Culligan Water Park, Rideau Heights Community Centre and YMCA facilities.

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fees for a child 14 years and under are HST exempt.

Fee Description Unit Child Youth and Senior Adult Family
Fit pass Annual $389.25 $519.00 $652.00 $1,124.75
Fit pass One month $33.00 $44.00 $55.50 $95.50

All Inclusive Racquet Sport Pass

Includes access to Artillery Park Aquatic Centre, Kingston East Community Centre, Rideau Heights Community Centre and the Kingston Racquet Centre for City of Kingston racquet sports programming (badminton, pickleball & tennis).

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fees for a child 14 years and under are HST exempt.

Fee Description Unit Child Youth and Senior Adult Family
Racquet sport pass One month $27.75 $41.00 $48.25 n/a
Racquet sport pass Six months $159.25 $233.25 $275.75 n/a

Culligan Water Park

Drop In Pass: No fee for Municipal Fee Assistance Program (MFAP) users.

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) unless the Fee Description indicates "taxes included". Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fees for a child 14 years and under are HST exempt.

Fee Description Unit Child Youth and Senior Adult Family
Season pass Person $147.50 $147.50 $147.50 $293.75
Drop in pass - taxes included Person $3.95 $3.95 $3.95 $3.95
12 visit pass – taxes included Person $46.25 $46.25 $46.25 n/a
Camp visit – group of 10 or more Child $2.70 n/a n/a n/a

Other Fees

Toonie Swim, Skate or Gymnasium: No fee for Municipal Fee Assistance Program (MFAP) users.

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) unless the Fee Description indicates "taxes included". Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fees for a child 14 years and under are HST exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Toonie swim, skate or gymnasium – taxes included Person $2.00
Camp swim rate - HST exempt Child $2.70
Shower - taxes included Visit $3.95
Membership card replacement - taxes included Each $8.00
Membership hold fee – minimum of 30 days Each $19.15
Lifeguards Person $27.50
Instructors Person $27.50
Report cards and badges Person $4.00

Events and Programs

Public Skating: No fee for Municipal Fee Assistance Program (MFAP) users.

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) unless the Fee Description indicates "taxes included" or exempt. Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fees for a child 14 years and under are HST exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Fitness - 1 day per week Person $9.35
Fitness - specialty Person $9.85
Public skating - taxes included Adult $5.50
Public skating - taxes included Senior $4.25
Public skating - taxes included Youth $4.25
Public skating - HST exempt Child $3.25
Public skating - family - taxes included Each $3.50
Public skating - 12 visits for 11 - taxes included Adult $58.50
Public skating - 12 visits for 11 - taxes included Senior $46.50
Public skating - 12 visits for 11 - taxes included Youth $46.50
Public skating - 12 visits for 11 - HST exempt Child $35.00
Shinny hockey - taxes included Adult $10.25
Shinny hockey - 12 Visits for 11 - taxes included Adult $113.25
Shinny hockey – youth – HST exempt Youth $8.75

Artillery Park Programs

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) unless the Fee Description indicates "HST exempt". Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fees for a child 14 years and under are HST exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Swim lessons, Rookie, Ranger, Star - HST exempt Youth $113.00
Swim lessons, level 5-7, Fitness Swimmer - HST exempt Youth $99.00
Swim lessons, level 1 - 4 - HST exempt Youth $89.00
Swim lessons, preschool - HST exempt 3 - 5 years of age $89.00
Swim lessons Adult $100.00
Swim lessons, private Person $241.00
Swim lessons, private - maximum of 2 lessons Person $184.00
Swim lessons, parent with tot - HST exempt Parent with tot/child under 5 years of age $84.00
Low ratio swim lessons, preschool - HST exempt 3 to 5 years of age $126.00
Low ratio swim lessons, level 1 - 4 - HST exempt Person $126.00
Low ratio swim lessons, level 5 - 8 - HST exempt Person $137.00
Low ratio swim lessons, level 9 - 10 - HST exempt Person $143.00
Swim to survive - 3 classes - HST exempt Person $44.00
Bronze star - HST exempt Person $130.00
Bronze medallion - plus emergency first aid Person $215.00
Bronze cross/SFA Person $221.00
National lifeguard service Person $370.00
National lifeguard service recertification Person $105.00
Standard first aid - HST exempt Person $139.00
Standard first aid recertification - HST exempt Person $108.00
Lifesaving society - swim/lifesaving instructor Person $318.00
Lifesaving society - lifesaving instructor Person $212.00
Lifesaving society - swim Instructor Person $212.00

Other Fees

Additional costs may be applied to any and all rentals and will be on a charge back basis.

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) unless HST exempt is indicated. Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Arena floor, no ice - activity rental Hourly $86.06
Arena floor, no ice - show or booth Hourly $153.14
Arena floor, no ice - full day event (Sports Tourism) Full day $688.50
Parking lot Daily $156.50
Vending - 10' by 10' booth Hourly $69.20
Bar - licensed event Hourly $125.05 HST exempt
Additional staffing charge - (three hour minimum) Hourly $44.47
Ticketed event surcharge Per ticket $1.64
Microphones – refundable deposit fee Each $53.05


All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Boardroom Hourly $42.83
Multi-purpose servery Hourly $42.83
Courtyard use Hourly $42.83
Conference room B Hourly $49.29
Conference room C Hourly $49.29
Conference room BC Hourly $56.59

Portsmouth Olympic Harbour (seasonal use only)

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Lobby lounge/area Hourly $42.88
Front lounge Hourly $49.29
Press lounge Hourly $56.55
The Sailroom (additional permits required) Hourly $127.17
Statutory and Public Holiday Surcharge - rooms Hourly $10.00

Artillery Park Aquatic Centre

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Meeting room A - boardroom Hourly $42.83
Meeting room B - poolside room Hourly $49.29
Meeting room C - multi-purpose room Hourly $56.55
Statutory and Public Holiday Surcharge - rooms Hourly $10.00
Gymnasium Hourly $65.13
Pool - leisure Hourly $70.40
Pool - rank (Vicki Keith Pool) Hourly $80.88
Pool - leisure & tank (Vicki Keith Pool) Hourly $123.01

Culligan Water Park

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Entire facility (slide, lazy river, diving board & tank) Hourly $203.81
Pool - tank Hourly $80.88

Rideau Heights Community Centre

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Hoteling office Hourly $18.41
Sound room Hourly $24.60
Kitchen Hourly $30.75
Pod (one) Hourly $42.83
Pod (two) Hourly $49.29
Pod (three) Hourly $56.55
Multi-purpose room Hourly $49.29
Large hall Hourly $56.55
Statutory and Public Holiday Surcharge - rooms Hourly $10.00
Half gymnasium Hourly $56.59
Gymnasium Hourly $65.13
Parking lot (restrictions apply) Hourly $19.42
Front lawn (restrictions apply) Hourly $19.42


All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Fitness studio (does not include access to fitness equipment) Hourly $49.29
Meeting room A Hourly $49.29
Meeting room B Hourly $49.29
Meeting room AB Hourly $56.55
Meeting room C Hourly $56.55
Statutory and Public Holiday Surcharge - rooms Hourly $10.00
Parking lot (restrictions apply) Per 3 stalls (daily) $19.42
Front lawn (restrictions apply) Hourly $19.42

Kingston East Community Centre

Reduced rates for room rentals at Kingston East Community Centre offered to community partners with significant hours of weekly block bookings.

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Meeting room 1 Hourly $49.29
Meeting room 2 Hourly $49.29
Meeting room 3 Hourly $49.29
Meeting room 2 & 3 Hourly $56.55
Meeting room 4 Hourly $49.25
Half gymnasium (A or B) Hourly $56.59
Full gymnasium (A and B) Hourly $65.13
Kitchen Hourly $30.75
Hotelling office Hourly $18.41
Statutory and Public Holiday Surcharge - rooms Hourly $10.00
Front lawn (restrictions apply) Hourly $19.42
Parking lot (restrictions apply) Per 3 stalls (daily) $19.42
Bleachers Hourly $15.13

Kingston Memorial Centre

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Barn Hourly $42.83
Rotunda Hourly $49.29
Special event - minimum eight-hour booking Hourly $354.29

Cataraqui Community Centre

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Conference room Hourly $49.29
Cloverdale and Sunnyside Halls Hourly $56.55
Statutory and Public Holiday Surcharge - rooms Hourly $10.00

Centre 70

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Reddendale Hall Hourly $56.55
Statutory and Public Holiday Surcharge - rooms Hourly $10.00

Slush Puppie Place

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Concourse Wall of Fame space Hourly $56.55
Meeting room Hourly $49.34
Boardroom Hourly $42.83
Statutory and Public Holiday Surcharge - rooms Hourly $10.00

Mobile Stage

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Mobile stage (based on availability) - SL100 Daily $7,616.81
Mobile stage - SL75 Daily $1,601.77
Stage monitoring (beyond the eight-hour day included in daily fee) Hourly $82.30
Deck extension or sound wing deck Hourly $146.81

Movie Screen and Projector

Set up, take down, and monitoring costs are not included in this rental and will be applied on a charge back basis.

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Screen, sound, projector – 3.5 hour minimum Hourly $247.21

City Hall

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Damage deposit is not taxable.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Heritage Resource Centre Hourly $42.83
Councillors' Lounge Hourly $42.83
Stationview Room Hourly $42.83
Council Chambers Hourly $49.29
Memorial Hall Hourly $56.55
Shoal Tower Room Hourly $14.29
Custodian fee - regular hours Hourly $38.94
Custodian fee - weekday after hours Hourly $58.32
Custodian fee - Saturday - four hour minimum Hourly $58.54
Custodian fee - Sunday - four hour minimum Hourly $77.83
Security guard fee - Saturday - four hour minimum Hourly $55.71
Security guard fee - Sunday - four hour minimum Hourly $74.25
Damage deposit - room rentals (refundable deposit fee) Each $530.45

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) unless HST exempt is indicated. Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.


Fee Description Unit Fee
Coffee - cup - includes cream/milk and sugar Each $1.77
Coffee - small pot - serves 8 - includes cream/milk and sugar Each $5.31
Percolator/ urn (serves 30-40) - includes cream/milk and sugar Each $17.70
Tea bag - includes cream/milk and sugar Each $1.77
Hot Chocolate Package $1.77
Pop 355 millilitres $1.15
Juice – apple/ orange 2 litre pitcher $13.08
Chocolate milk 473 milliliters $2.26
Milk 237 milliliters $1.02
Milk 473 milliliters $1.95


All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) unless HST exempt is indicated. Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Muffin Each $1.55
Packaged cookies Each $1.28
Gourmet baked cookies Tray of 20 $12.22
Squares - tea cut Each $1.46
Chocolate bar Each $1.81
Chips 40g Bag $1.15

Buffet Trays

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) unless HST exempt is indicated. Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Salad, small - serves 5 people Each $15.04
Salad, medium - serves 10 people Each $25.09
Salad, large - serves 15 people Each $30.09
Vegetables and dip - serves 10 people Each $28.19
Cheese, fruit, and crackers - serves 10 people Each $37.57
Fruit tray - serves 10 people Each $32.88
Tea cut sandwich Each $2.11
Gourmet sandwich Each $3.94

Other Fees

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) unless HST exempt is indicated. Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Lunch service - hot meal, beverage, and dessert Each $12.30
Plate, large (9") Each $0.13
Plate, small (6") Each $0.09
Knife Each $0.04
Fork Each $0.04
Spoon Each $0.04
Styrofoam cup Each $0.04
Napkin Each $0.04
Straw Each $0.04
Guest meal Each $12.30
Special event meal Each $17.70
Soup Each $1.77
Labour surcharge % of goods ordered 35%
Labour surcharge – full day event Hourly $42.26
Coffee shop - gift items Each Cost plus 30%
Coffee shop - unlisted food items Each Cost plus 30%

Some charges may be tax exempt (i.e., supervised programs for children 14 years of age and under).

Refer to Ice Allocation Policy for designated rate timings and for room rentals for tournaments.

Last minute ice opens Monday of respective week.

Ice Rental

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
School Board ice - Monday to Friday (9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) Hourly $77.05
Morning ice - 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. or 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Hourly $145.65
Non-prime time - youth and adult Hourly $192.55
Prime time - youth Hourly $246.20
Prime time - tournament rate - September to March - 16 hour minimum at the designated tournament center Hourly $246.20
Prime time – adult Hourly $319.50
Non-prime time - last minute ice - INVISTA only Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Hourly $145.65
Skate patrol Hourly $19.35
Holiday premium – all hours on statutory and public holidays Hourly $50.00

Park Rentals

Fees listed below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at the time of payment.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Picture taking Hourly $19.38
Rental for 1 - 99 attendees Hourly $19.38
Rental for 100 - 249 attendees Hourly $36.19
Rental for 250 - 499 attendees Hourly $54.56
Rental for 500 - 999 attendees Hourly $68.23
Rental for 1,000 - 2,499 attendees Hourly $85.22
Rental for 2,500 + attendees Hourly $127.83

Film Productions

Fees listed below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at the time of payment.

• As defined in the Film Policy.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Feature Parks Daily $2,890.00
Secondary Parks Daily $1,500.00
Springer Market Square Daily $3,820.00

Special Events

  • As defined in Special Events Policy.
  • Half day rental is a maximum of 5 hours.
  • Full day rental is a maximum of 10

Fees listed below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at the time of payment.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Special event park rental Half day $441.81
Special event park rental Full day $631.19
Large scale event park rental Half day $613.98
Large scale event park rental Full day $860.75
Mega event park rental Half day $801.37
Mega event park rental Full day $1,111.46
Set-up/tear down Daily $286.90
Commercial surcharge on all rates Hourly 20%

Baseball and Softball Diamonds – Youth

Half day is a maximum of 5 hours.

Full day is a maximum of 10 hours.

Fees listed below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at the time of payment.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Major, per field Hourly $14.73
Minor, per field Hourly $9.34
Tournament, per field Half day $38.36
Tournament, per field Full day $76.70

Baseball and Softball Diamonds – Adult

Half day is a maximum of 5 hours.

Full day is a maximum of 10 hours.

Fees listed below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at the time of payment.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Major, per field Hourly $27.26
Minor, per field Hourly $21.68
Tournament, per field Half day $71.10
Tournament, per field Full day $142.19

Rectangular Fields (Soccer, Cricket, Frisbee, and Lacrosse) – Youth

Half day is a maximum of 5 hours.

Full day is a maximum of 10 hours.

Fees listed below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at the time of payment.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Major, per field Hourly $16.50
Minor, per field Hourly $10.80
Tournament, per field Half day $42.95
Tournament, per field Full day $85.94

Rectangular Fields (Soccer, Cricket, Frisbee, and Lacrosse) – Adult

Half day is a maximum of 5 hours.

Full day is a maximum of 10 hours.

Fees listed below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at the time of payment.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Major, per field Hourly $27.57
Tournament, per field Half day $71.89
Tournament, per field Full day $143.81


Fees listed below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at the time of payment.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Security deposit - Seasonal Users Partner Groups Seasonal $2,173.50
Light Fee - Sport Fields Hourly $21.24

BMX Track

Fees listed below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at the time of payment.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Rental - Adult Hourly $25.71
Rental - Youth Hourly $10.66


Operational dates are weather permitting.

Prime time: April 1st – May 14th and October 1st – November 1st.

Non-Prime time: May 15th – September 30th

Specialty Sports Camps are non-profit/ operated partner groups.

Special Event is defined as a community or school event.

Commercial/ Profit is for a profit sport, camp, or other event.

CaraCo Home Field and John Machin Field

Prime time – Youth

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of payment.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Entire Facility Hourly $115.71
Track or Field Hourly $92.57
High Jump or Pole Vault Hourly $43.45
Long Jump, Shot Put, Discus, Javelin, Hammer Hourly $28.98

Prime time – Adult

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of payment.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Entire Facility Hourly $154.38
Track or Field Hourly $123.45
High Jump or Pole Vault Hourly $57.88
Long Jump, Shot Put, Discus, Javelin, Hammer Hourly $38.58

Non-Prime Time - Youth and Adult

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of payment.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Entire Facility Hourly $92.57
Track or Field Hourly $74.12
High Jump or Pole Vault Hourly $27.79
Long Jump, Shot Put, Discus, Javelin, Hammer (Clubs Only) Hourly $18.54

Other Fees – Youth and Adult

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of payment.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Lights Hourly $38.67
Specialty Sports Camps Hourly $92.57
Special Events Hourly $92.57
Commercial/Profit Surcharge Hourly 20%


Seasonal Memberships paid in full between October 1st and December 31st for the following year will lock in the current year's rate.

Sea-doo's can be parked behind vessel in slip or at sea-doo dock by arrangement.

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Confederation Basin Fee Portsmouth Olympic Harbour Fee
Seasonal mooring Per foot $93.87 $86.51
Add power 15 Amp $321.69 $315.56
Add power 30 Amp $560.40 $549.73
Add power 50 Amp $819.28 $803.67
Pump out Per service n/a $223.82
Sea-doo seasonal Flat fee $584.98 $516.46


Monthly rates are based on a calendar month or 30 days.

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Confederation Basin Fee Portsmouth Olympic Harbour Fee
May, June, September, and October Per foot $33.31 $27.17
July and August Per foot $38.61 $31.42
Add power 15 Amp $88.60 $86.90
Add power 30 Amp $158.66 $155.62
Add power 50 Amp $240.52 $235.93


All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Confederation Basin Fee Portsmouth Olympic Harbour Fee
May, June, September, and October Per foot $11.10 $9.07
July and August Per foot $12.87 $10.49
Add power 15 Amp $22.16 $21.73
Add power 30 Amp $39.63 $38.89
Add power 50 Amp $60.21 $59.07


All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Confederation Basin Fee Portsmouth Olympic Harbour Fee
Unserviced wall or dock - May, June, September, and October Per foot $2.01 $1.97
Unserviced wall or dock – July and August Per foot $2.20 $2.16
Serviced wall or dock - May, June, September, and October Per foot $2.20 $2.16
Serviced wall or dock - July and August Per foot $2.54 $2.49
Add power 15 Amp $4.07 $3.99
Add power 30 Amp $11.29 $11.07
Add power 50 Amp $16.12 $15.81


All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Confederation Basin Fee Portsmouth Olympic Harbour Fee
Day docks Hourly – $15.00 maximum daily $2.12 n/a


All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Confederation Basin Fee Portsmouth Olympic Harbour Fee
Winter storage Per foot n/a $35.53
Summer storage Per foot n/a $48.98
Mast storage Per foot n/a $2.52
Cradle storage - collapsible Each n/a $250.00
Cradle storage - non- collapsible Each n/a $550.00

Other Fees

Additional costs may be applied to any and all services and will be on a charge back basis.

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Confederation Basin Fee Portsmouth Olympic Harbour Fee
Ice Per bag $3.98 $3.98
Pump out Per service n/a $25.93
Haul out - 30' and under Per foot n/a $13.85
Haul out - 31' and over Per foot n/a $15.62
Launching - 30' and under Per foot n/a $13.85
Launching - 31' and over Per foot n/a $15.62
Stands - 24" and smaller Each n/a $45.71
Stands - 25" and larger Each n/a $93.14
Commercial crafts - surcharge Per craft 20% 20%
Administration fee - cancelled booking Per service $37.70 $37.70
Site crane - manual chain Per service n/a $49.96
Trailer or boat relocation on site Per service n/a $103.45
Dock step rental Per rental $68.94 $68.94
Dock box platform rental Per rental $84.60 $84.60
Unstep mast with mobile crane Each n/a $339.69
Unstep mast - additional mast with crane Each n/a $169.82

Launch Ramp

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Confederation Basin Fee Portsmouth Olympic Harbour Fee
Launch ramp One time n/a $20.04
Launch ramp Five times n/a $70.18
Launch ramp Ten times n/a $140.40
Parking - car and trailer Daily n/a $10.44
Parking - car and trailer Weekly n/a $50.71
Parking - car and trailer Monthly n/a $152.12
Seasonal - boat launch Unlimited n/a $169.03

Regatta Clinic

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Confederation Basin Fee Portsmouth Olympic Harbour Fee
Dry sail Nightly n/a $3.98
Wet berth Nightly $10.35 $10.27

Crawford Wharf

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Cruise ships - tendering Daily $401.68

Overnight Mooring

Preferred rate: Applies to vessels staying more than 15 nights.

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Preferred rate Per foot $2.26
Regular rate Per foot $2.52

Commercial Passenger Dock

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

All fees have a minimum charge of one hour.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Un-serviced passenger dock for vessels 40 feet and under Per hour $32.50
Un-serviced passenger dock for vessels 41 feet to 60 feet Per hour $37.38

Exemptions to Landing Fees

  1. Where any Canadian Air Carrier licensed pursuant to Part II of the National Transportation Act, 1987, of an aircraft on a flight conducted exclusively for the purpose of improving the skill and knowledge of the aircrew personnel of the Air Carrier, and where arrangements are made in advance with the airport manager, the landing charge for each such landing is 20 percent of the applicable charge prescribed below.
  2. Exemption for landing fees only: All military aircraft and any aircraft used in Search & Rescue missions will be exempt.
  3. Private aircraft less than 2,270 kilograms (5,000 lbs.) are exempt from the minimum fee.

Landing of Aircraft

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at the time of payment.

Fee Description Unit Domestic Fee International Fee
Minimum for jet and turbine aircraft Each plane $27.98 $39.15
Minimum for Commercial Fixed Wing Each plane $15.68 $23.38
Minimum for commercial rotary wing Each plane $15.68 $23.38
Jet aircraft not more than 21,000 kilograms Per 1,000 kilograms or fraction $8.52 $11.90
Jet aircraft 21,000 to 45,000 kilograms Per 1,000 kilograms or fraction $11.07 $15.50
Jet aircraft more than 45,000 kilograms Per 1,000 kilograms or fraction $12.90 $18.05
Turbo/piston powered aircraft not more than 21,000 kilograms Per 1,000 kilograms or fraction $7.75 $10.62
Turbo/piston powered aircraft 21,000 to 45,000 kilograms Per 1,000 kilograms or fraction $9.43 $13.13
Turbo/piston powered aircraft More than 45,000 kilograms Per 1,000 kilograms or fraction $11.26 $15.72

Air Terminal Facility - Incoming Flight

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at the time of payment.

Fee Description Unit Domestic Fee International Fee
Scheduled passenger aircraft 1 - 9 seats $19.23 $44.25
Scheduled passenger aircraft 10 - 15 seats $38.06 $58.20
Scheduled passenger aircraft 16 - 19 seats $54.19 $125.42
Scheduled passenger aircraft 20 - 25 seats $74.20 $210.38
Scheduled passenger aircraft 26 - 45 seats $121.59 $261.01
Scheduled passenger aircraft 46 - 60 seats $173.64 $367.34
Scheduled passenger aircraft 61 - 89 seats $277.46 $587.97
Scheduled passenger aircraft 90 - 125 seats $382.51 $808.46
Scheduled passenger aircraft Over 125 seats $452.06 $955.39

Passenger Facility

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at the time of payment.

Fee Description Unit Domestic Fee International Fee
Passenger Facility Departing passenger $20.00 $20.00

Aircraft Ground Power

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at the time of payment.

Fee Description Unit Domestic Fee International Fee
Aircraft ground power and heating/start Each $9.82 $9.82


Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at the time of payment.

Fee Description Unit Domestic Fee International Fee
Avgas fuel surcharge Litre $0.05 $0.05
Turbine fuel surcharge Litre $0.05 $0.05
Commercial Operations (aircraft based in Kingston) Each per month $150.00 n/a

Hangar Storage

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at the time of payment.

Fee Description Unit Daily Fee Monthly Fee
Aircraft storage Storage unit $68.94 $392.70
Airside or apron storage Square metre n/a $49.00

Aircraft Parking

Parking fees will apply for any six-hour period, per calendar day.

Double billing for overnight (two calendar days) will not apply if the aircraft departs prior to 0900 hours.

For aircraft requiring tie-downs for more than seven days and up to one-month, rate will apply.


Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at the time of payment.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Aircraft Less than 2,000 kilograms $15.35
Aircraft 2,000 to 4,999 kilograms $15.35
Aircraft 5,000 to 9,999 kilograms $27.21
Aircraft 10,000 to 29,999 kilograms $50.35
Aircraft 30,000 to 59,999 kilograms $78.05
Aircraft 60,000 kilograms or more $117.79


Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at the time of payment.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Aircraft Less than 2,000 kilograms $116.81
Aircraft 2,000 to 4,999 kilograms $116.81
Aircraft 5,000 to 9,999 kilograms $540.71
Aircraft 10,000 to 29,999 kilograms $1,027.39
Aircraft 30,000 to 59,999 kilograms $1,622.17
Aircraft 60,000 kilograms or more $2,379.16

Annual Aircraft Parking

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at the time of payment.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Aircraft Less than 2,000 kilograms $757.04
Aircraft 2,000 to 5,000 kilograms $884.96

Land Lease - Annual

All sites under 1,000-metre square (m2) should have a minimum rent of $500.00.

Land lease fees are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at the time of payment.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Sites under 200-metre square Metre square To be negotiated
Sites between 200-metre square and 1,000-metre square Metre square To be negotiated
Sites between 1,000-metre square and 10,000-metre square Metre square To be negotiated
Sites over 10,000-metre square Metre square To be negotiated

Air Terminal Building - Yearly

Inside Tenants - Exclusive Use Area:

  • All costs for materials and installation to be paid for by the tenant.
  • All modifications and advertising to be subject to the airport manager's or designates approval.

Outside Tenants - Exclusive Use Area:

  • All costs for materials and installation to be paid for by the client.
  • All modifications and advertising to be subject to the airport manager's or designates approval.
  • All fixed materials to become the property of the airport unless otherwise negotiated.

Air terminal building fees are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at the time of payment.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Counter space Metre square To be negotiated
Queuing area Metre square To be negotiated
Baggage area Metre square To be negotiated
Office, storage, and washroom areas Metre square To be negotiated
Ramp storage area - subject to a license fee Metre square To be negotiated
Public address system - subject to a license fee Annual usage To be negotiated
If power is required Per use To be negotiated

Motor Vehicle Parking

All motor vehicle parking fees listed in the table below include applicable taxes.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Short term parking space 2 hours maximum $2.43
Parking space Daily $10.00
Long term parking space 35 days $152.39

Property Maintenance

Fee to remove natural growth (i.e., trees) that violates the Federal Airport Zoning Regulations. Actual costs and disbursements incurred by the City.

Property maintenance fees are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at the time of payment.

Minimum of one hour fee applies.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Natural growth trimming and/or removal Hourly $150.00
Snow removal Hourly $150.00
Sweeping Hourly $150.00
Grass cutting Hourly $150.00
Sanding Hourly $150.00+ Materials
Pavement De-Icing Application Hourly $150.00+ Materials
Fuel Spills Hourly $150.00+ Materials
Escorting Hourly $100.00
Other Miscellaneous Services To be negotiated To be negotiated

Planning Notes

  • The term "Minor Application" shall apply to:
    1. the rezoning of a residential building with four units or less which conforms to the Official Plan and will be contained within the walls of an existing structure; or
    2. the rezoning involving a change in non-residential use which conforms to the Official Plan and will be contained within the walls of an existing structure.
  • The term "Minor Site Plan Control Application" shall include applications regarding one-unit or two-unit dwellings, group homes and applications with less than 300 square metres of floor area that result from an approval of an application for a zoning bylaw amendment.
  • The term "Technical Consent" shall apply to:
    1. an application for the creation of a new lot, which complies with the zoning bylaw and Official Plan; or
    2. an application along a common party wall of an existing building provided non minor variances are required; or
    3. an application to create or extend a right-of-way or easement; or
    4. an application to adjust a lot boundary or facilitate a simple lot addition; or
    5. an application for consent to a power of sale or mortgage; or
    6. an application for consent to a lease in excess of 21 years; or
    7. an application for validation of title.
  • Dormant Files that have remained inactive for three years will be deemed closed. In the event that a request is made to reactivate a closed file, the applicant shall pay the full existing fee for planning services regardless of any fees paid in the past.
  • Engineering Review Fees will be charged as per the Engineering Fee Schedule according to the individual application requirements and payment is required at the time of application submission.
  • Legal Fees will be invoiced at the time documentation is executed.
  • Peer Review - Fee to be paid by the applicant prior to staff authorizing the consultant to commence work.
  • All planning fees, engineering fees and legal fees would be waived for not-for-profit housing providers that submit development proposals which include affordable units. All planning fees, engineering fees and legal fees would be waived for private affordable housing development units at 80% or less of Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) rental rate. This waiving of fees would apply to the rental market only.
  • If a development includes a number of affordable units, the planning fees, engineering fees and legal fees will be reduced based on the percentage of affordable units included within the overall development.

Public Meeting Notice (PMN)

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Concurrent applications PMN Application $422.10
Notice to cancel public meeting Notice $510.60
Remailing of PMN Remailing $510.60
Public Notice (PN) Notice $277.30
Public Notice - Committee of Adjustment Notice $166.45

Official Plan (OP) Amendment

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Official Plan (OP) Amendment Amendment $8,410.30
Developments in excess of 3,000-metre square of floor area or 50 dwelling units (plus PN or PMN) Amendment $14,541.50
Letter of Compliance Amendment $126.70

Zoning Bylaw


Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Minor application (plus PN or PMN) Application $4,144.25
Basic fee (plus PN or PMN) Request $8,410.30
Developments in excess of 3,000-metre square of floor area or 50 dwelling units (plus PN or PMN) Application $13,731.60
Application submitted concurrently with an Official Plan (OP) Amendment (plus PN or PMN) Application $4,144.25
Removal of 'H' Holding Overlay for residential buildings with up to 4 dwelling units on 1 property Application $515.00
Removal of 'H' Holding Overlay for all other applications Request $2,559.80
New complete application after application is withdrawn Application $1,060.90

Temporary Use Bylaw

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Basic fee (plus PN or PMN) Request $8,410.30
Developments in excess of 3,000-metre square of floor area or 50 dwelling units (plus PN or PMN) Application $12,945.30
Applications to extend approval (plus PN or PMN) Application $2,438.00

Plan of Subdivision

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Removal of part lot control - basic fee Part lot $3,778.60
Draft approval - less than 50 units (plus PN or PMN) Approval $6,472.30
Plus per unit or lot Unit or lot $139.65
Draft approval - 50 units or more (plus PN or PMN) Approval $11,337.25
Plus per unit or lot Unit or lot $155.85
Request to amend conditions of draft approval Request $2,183.85
Subdivision agreement Agreement $14,479.70
Request to amend subdivision agreement Request $2,438.00
Request for pre-servicing agreement Request $2,438.00
Request for model home agreement Request $731.45
Letter of Compliance Agreement $126.70

Plan of Condominium

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Draft approval - less than 50 units (plus PN or PMN) Part lot $4,827.25
Plus per unit Approval $95.50
Draft approval - 50 units or more (plus PN or PMN) Unit or lot $6,471.80
Plus per unit Approval $121.80
Request to amend conditions of draft approval Unit or lot $2,438.00
Final plan and condominium agreement Each $4,827.25
Request to amend condominium agreement Agreement $2,438.00
Request to amend condominium description and/or declaration Request $568.35
Letter of Compliance Agreement $126.70

Site Plan Control

Minor Site Plan Control Application: One- and two-family dwellings, group homes, and applications with less than 300 square metres of floor area that result from an approval of a rezoning request.

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Minor Site Plan Control Application Application $1,158.80
Modification to Minor Application Modification $475.80

Site Plan Control - Multi-Residential

All pre-application fees that are paid for the same proposal on the same property above $1,000.00 will be subtracted from the site plan control fee.

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Residential Development 11 - 50 units $4,509.90
Plus per unit Unit $121.80
Residential Development Over 50 units $5,119.50
Plus per unit Unit $133.70

Site Plan Control – Other

All pre-application fees that are paid for the same proposal on the same property above $1,000.00 will be subtracted from the site plan control fee.

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
All other development (less than 3,000 square metres of floor area) Less than 3,000 square metres of floor area $4,509.90
Plus per 100 square metres of gross floor area Floor area $139.65
All other development (in excess of 3,000 square metres of floor area) In excess of 3,000 square metres of floor area $5,119.50
Plus per 100 square metres of gross floor area Floor area $147.15
Modification to plans, conditions, or agreements (amending agreement required) Modification $2,388.10
Modification to plans, conditions, or agreements (no amending agreement required) Modification $853.50
Letter of Compliance (per agreement) Agreement $126.70
Above ground utilities infrastructure containing less than 300 metres squared floor area (plus PN) Less than 300 meters square $2,316.20
Request for security reduction/release Request $597.05

Radiocommunication Facilities

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Review of radiocommunication facilities Review $2,316.20

Committee of Adjustment – Consents

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Technical consent (plus PN) Each $2,291.10
Consent filed concurrently with a minor variance (plus PN) Each $1,219.50
All other consents (plus PN) Each $2,985.10
Resubmission of application within three months of lapsing Each $1,402.45
Change conditions of consent - plus recirculation fee Each $694.65

Committee of Adjustment – Minor Variances

Category 2: Fee will be applicable for the following minor variance applications:

  1. Urban Residential - Accessory Uses (e.g., swimming pools, sheds, detached garages, air conditioners, pool equipment). Permission to vary the height, setbacks, lot coverage, and floor area.
  2. Rural - Accessory Uses to a principal use (e.g., storage barn, drive shed, detached garage). Permission to vary the height, setbacks, lot coverage, and floor area.
  3. Covered or uncovered porches, deck, and stairs.

Category 3: Express transit overlay applications greater than 6 storeys.

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
All other minor variances (plus PN) - Category 1 Each $2,438.00
Minor variances (plus PN) - Category 2 Each $485.10
Minor variances (plus PN) - Category 3 Each $2,438.00

Committee of Adjustment – Other

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Notice to cancel public hearing Each $500.90
Recirculation of public hearing notice Each $500.90
Letter of Compliance Each $126.70
Legal non-compliance letter Each $546.35

Community Improvement Plans

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
New area or project plan - basic fee (plus PN or PMN) Each $14,541.50
Community Improvement Plan amendment Each $8,410.30

Deeming Bylaw

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Deeming bylaw - basic fee Each $2,412.90

Cash In Lieu of Parking

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Cash in lieu of parking - basic fee Each $126.70

Civic Addressing and Road Naming

Change of Assigned Road Name: Does not include administration fees and road signage preparation and installation fees as determined by Public Works.

Minor addressing fee – minor site plan and consents.

Major addressing fee – draft plan of sub-division, draft plan of condominium, major site plan and owner change requests.

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Minor Addressing Each $150.00
Major Addressing Each $500.00
Change of assigned road name Each $3,477.85

Miscellaneous Fees

Site Alternation Permit - Renewal: Renewal fee valid only if a Site Alteration Permit is renewed 30 days before the original expiry date.

All fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt unless "plus HST" is indicated. Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Administration fee Permit $487.75
Photocopies or printing of documents - black and white Page $0.31 plus HST
Photocopies or printing of documents - colour Page $1.33 plus HST
Information search Hourly $92.55

Tree Permit (removal/cutting)

Fee includes Administrative Fee and three hours of staff review/inspection.

The waiving of fees does not apply to tree permits.

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Tree Permit 1 - 5 trees $116.40
Tree Permit 6 - 15 trees $232.90
Tree Permit More than 15 trees $465.40

Tree Permit Renewal

Valid only if a tree permit is renewed 30 days before original expiry date.

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Tree Permit renewal 1 - 5 trees $38.50
Tree Permit renewal 6 - 15 trees $77.60
Tree Permit renewal More than 15 trees $154.95

Pre-Application Fee

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Standard pre-application - minor Each $437.10
Standard pre-application - major Each $1,060.90
Amendment Pre-Application - initial application Application $2,121.80
Amendment Pre-Application - revised technical circulation Modification $1,060.90
Site Plan Control Pre-Application - initial application Application $2,121.80
Site Plan Control Pre-Application - revised technical circulation Modification $1,060.90

Site Alteration Permit

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Site alteration permit Permit $477.35
Site alteration permit - renewal Permit $237.92

Urban Design Review

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Urban Design Review - minor Each submission $1,030.00
Urban Design Review Each submission $3,090.00

Development Application Review - Development Engineering

Additional hourly rates may apply in addition to those noted below.

Plan of Subdivision: Final fees are calculated in accordance with the Subdivision Agreement.

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Committee of Adjustment (CoA) review – outside of consent CoA applications Each submission $442.80
Committee of Adjustment review - consents Each submission $600.00
Official Plan Amendment review Each submission $442.80
Amendment review Each $442.80
Site Plan Control review - minor application - including modifications Each $442.80
Site Plan Control review - major application - including modifications Each $1,425.30
Plan of Subdivision - construction cost of less than $300,000 Deposit $5,000.00
Plan of Subdivision - construction cost of more than $300,000 Deposit $10,000.00
Resubmitted Lot Grading Certificate - previously rejected Each $224.60
Resubmitted Plot Plan - previously rejected Each $133.70
Design revision of subdivisions, including part lot lift Each $1,116.30
Encroachment onto Easement Agreement Each $133.70
Off-Site Works Agreement Deposit $2,500.00

Stormwater Management

Consolidated Linear Infrastructure - Environmental Compliance Approvals

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Name Description Unit Fee
Storm sewers - includes standard system components (e.g., ditches, swales, inlets, structures, outlets) Submission $1,591.35
Manufactured treatment device only (e.g., oil-grit separator unit, filter unit) Each $1,060.90
Stormwater Management Facility (e.g., wet pond, engineered system with treatment) or Low Impact Development Filtration Facility (e.g., bioretention facility) Facility $5,304.50
Stormwater Storage Facility (e.g., engineered system without treatment) or Low Impact Development Retention Facility (e.g., infiltration, evapotranspiration) Facility $1,060.90

Dewatering Permit

Application - Initial Inspection and Final Inspection: Fee includes five hours of staff time. Additional hours will be charged at the rate noted below for Professional Engineer or Technologist.

Reinspection: Fee is based on 1.5 hours of staff time.

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Name Description Unit Fee
Application - initial inspection and final inspection Five hours of staff time $634.91
Reinspection Visit $190.44
Dewatering Daily $57.96

Renewable Energy Projects – Completion of Municipal Consultation Form

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Name Description Unit Fee
Projects 10 kilowatts and less Each $220.27
Projects greater than 10 kilowatts and less than one megawatt Each $1,158.67
Projects one megawatt and greater Each $5,119.34
Plus per one megawatt Each $146.95

Right-of-Way Permits

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt, unless "plus HST" is indicated. Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Name Description Unit Fee
Municipal Utility Consent Each $570.30
Cut Permit Each $427.70
Entrance Permit – permanent Each $253.94 plus HST
Entrance Permit for construction – temporary Each $170.30
Road Closure for construction – temporary Each $380.95
Right-of-Way closure for event or neighbourhood program (single or recurring) – temporary Each $127.00

Encroachment on City Right-of-Way

Inadvertent Encroachment

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Name Description Unit Fee
Application Each $296.59
Taxes of subject property Annual $47.61

Temporary Encroachment

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt, unless HST" is indicated. Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Name Description Unit Fee
Application Each $296.59 plus HST
Occupancy fee for period up to 4 weeks Daily plus any associated parking fees $23.80
Occupancy fee for period 29 days to 12 weeks Daily plus any associated parking fees $33.31
Occupancy fee for period 85 days to 26 weeks Daily plus any associated parking fees $36.64
Occupancy fee for period after 26 weeks Daily plus any associated parking fees $38.47
Hoarding, covered ways, and scaffolding Daily per 6-metre segment $19.00
Dumpster Daily $19.00
Mobile crane Daily $152.75
Other objects or equipment Daily $152.75

Signage and Banners

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt, unless "plus HST" is indicated. Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Name Description Unit Fee
Variable message board rental - event Up to two boards per event $424.35
Variable message board rental Daily $265.25
Variable message board rental Weekly $742.65
Variable message board rental Monthly $2,121.80
Signage setup and removals Hourly Costs plus 20%
Right-of-Way closure and encroachment materials Daily Costs plus 20%
Street Banner (to City) Application Each $152.79 plus HST
Street Banner - installation fee paid to Utilities Kingston Each $726.02 plus HST

Application For Use of City of Kingston Roadways - Moving of Excess Load Permits, Oversized Loads

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Name Description Unit Fee
Escort Each $102.12
Permit Single trip $152.79
Permit Annual $532.43

Patio Permit – Downtown Area

"Downtown area" is as defined by the Downtown and Harbour Area identified in Schedule DH1: Special Policy Area of the City of Kingston's Official Plan.

Fees are "annual" unless otherwise specified.

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Name Description Unit Fee
Application One-time fee $309.00
Amendment to existing permit Each $206.00
Table on non-fenced café style patio Per table per year $53.05
Small scale public seating arrangement One-time fee $127.30
Fenced patio Base fee per year $515.00
Fenced patio (downtown) rate for first 10 square metres (m2) of space Square metres (m2) per year $72.10
Fenced patio (downtown) rate for next 10 square metres (m2) of space (up to 20 m2) Square metres (m2) per year $82.40
Fenced patio (downtown) rate for next 10 square metres (m2) of space (up to 30 m2) Square metres (m2) per year $92.70
Fenced patio (downtown) rate for next 10 square metres (m2) of space (up to 40 m2) Square metres (m2) per year $103.00
Fenced patio (downtown) rate for next 10 square metres (m2) of space (up to 50 m2) Square metres (m2) per year $113.30
Fenced patio (downtown) rate for space in excess of 50 square metres (m2) Square metres (m2) per year $123.60
Fenced patio (outside the Downtown Kingston Business Improvement Area) Square metres (m2) per year $51.50

Other Fees

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt, unless HST" is indicated. Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Name Description Unit Fee
Professional Engineer Services Hourly $213.23 plus HST
Engineering Technologist Services Hourly $126.99 plus HST
Right-of-Way Damage Reinstatement Each Costs plus 20%
Non-Compliance Permit Work - in addition to applicable permit fees Each Costs plus 20%
Permit Extension Each $126.99 plus HST
Reinspection Per visit $190.44 plus HST
Active Permit Violation Investigation Incident $190.45
Permit Contravention Investigation Incident $507.90
Legal Compliance Letter and/or Request for Lot Grading Certificate information Each $126.70
Drawing - printed Each $18.81 plus HST
Municipal Addressing Blades Per location $94.51 plus HST
Detailed traffic count – existing location Per location $189.03 plus HST
Detailed traffic count – new location Per location $699.20 plus HST
Traffic sign/post Each Cost of materials and labour through delegated authority of the Operations Manager or Public Works - plus HST

On Street Parking

Meters and Pay and Display

For zone information, reference City of Kingston Bylaw Number 2010-128, "A Bylaw to Regulate Parking".

Fees listed in the table below are inclusive of applicable taxes.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Schedule A-1: Zone1 Hourly $2.00
Schedule A-1: Zone 2 Hourly $1.50
Schedule A-1: Zone 3 Hourly $1.50
Schedule A-1: Zone 4 Hourly $1.50
Schedule A-1: Zone 5 Hourly $2.00
Schedule A-1: Zone 6 Hourly $1.00
Schedule A-1: Zone 6 Daily maximum $5.00
Schedule A-1: Zone 7 Hourly $2.00
Schedule A-1: Zone 8 Hourly $1.50
Schedule A-1: Zone 9 Hourly $2.00
Schedule A-1: Zone 10 Hourly $2.00
Schedule A-1: Zone 11 Hourly $2.00
Schedule A-2: Accessible Parking Meter Zones Hourly $1.50
Schedule A-3: Tour Bus Parking Meter Zones Hourly $2.00

Commuter On-Street Permits

For zone information, reference City of Kingston Bylaw Number 2010-128, "A to Regulate Parking".

Fees listed in the table below are inclusive of applicable taxes.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Area A - all zones Monthly $126.50
Area B - zones 1 and 2 Monthly $106.00
Area B - zone 3 Monthly $126.50
Area B - zones 4 and 6 Monthly $126.50
Area C - all zones Monthly $106.00
Area F - all zones Monthly $106.00

Residential On-Street Permits

Valid for on-street residential parking permit areas only.

Fees listed in the table below are inclusive of applicable taxes.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Residential contractor Two weeks $29.25
Residential contractor Monthly $57.50
Residential contractor Four months $195.00
Residential contractor Annually $560.00
Residential on-street parking Monthly $25.00
Residential on-street parking - no driveway Monthly $12.00
Residential on-street parking - accessible Monthly $12.00
Residential visitor Weekly $14.75

Parking Lots

Fees listed in the table below are inclusive of applicable taxes.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Angrove Lot Hourly $1.50
Armstrong Memorial Lot Hourly $1.50
Barrack Lot Hourly $1.50
Crawford Wharf Lot Flat Rate $12.25
Frontenac Lot Hourly $1.50
Frontenac County Court House Lot Hourly $2.00
Gorsline Lot Hourly $1.50
Kingston Frontenac Public Library Lot Hourly $1.50
Lower Robert Bruce Memorial Lot Hourly $1.50
McKee Memorial Lot Hourly $1.50
Ordnance Lot Hourly $1.50
Pump House Lot (Steam Museum) Hourly $1.50
Richardson Beach Lot (Macdonald/Memorial Park) Hourly $2.00
Richardson Beach South Lot (Macdonald/Memorial Park) Hourly $2.00
Springer Memorial Lot Hourly $1.50
Upper Robert Bruce Memorial Lot Hourly $1.50
Waterfront Lot - Kingston General Hospital (Macdonald/Memorial Park) Hourly $2.00

Parking Lots - Other Rates

Ontario/Brock Lot - May 1st to November 30th

Fees listed in the table below are inclusive of applicable taxes.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Monday to Saturday between 07:00 to 16:59 hours Half hour $1.50
Monday to Saturday between 07:00 to 16:59 hours Daily maximum $15.00
Monday to Saturday between 17:00 to 06:59 hours Flat rate $5.00
Sunday 07:00 hours to Monday 06:59 hours Flat rate $5.00

Ontario/Brock Lot - December 1st to April 30th

Fees listed in the table below are inclusive of applicable taxes.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Monday to Saturday between 07:00 to 16:59 hours Half hour $1.25
Monday to Saturday between 07:00 to 16:59 hours Daily maximum $10.00
Monday to Saturday between 17:00 to 06:59 hours Flat rate $4.00
Sunday 07:00 hours to Monday 06:59 hours Flat rate $4.00

Rideaucrest Lot

Fees listed in the table below are inclusive of applicable taxes.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Monday to Friday between 08:00 to 14:59 hours Hourly $1.50
Monday to Thursday between 15:00 to 07:59 hours Flat rate $3.00
Friday 15:00 hours to Monday 07:59 hours Flat rate $3.00
Family permit Monthly $50.75

Chown Memorial Garage

Fees listed in the table below are inclusive of applicable taxes.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Monday to Saturday between 06:00 to 17:59 hours Hourly $1.50
Monday to Saturday between 18:00 to 05:59 hours Flat rate $3.00
Sunday 06:00 hours to Monday 05:59 hours Flat rate $3.00
Lost ticket charge Flat rate $18.00

Hanson Memorial Garage

Fees listed in the table below are inclusive of applicable taxes.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Monday to Saturday between 06:00 to 17:59 hours Hourly $1.50
Monday to Saturday between 18:00 to 05:59 hours Flat rate $3.00
Sunday 06:00 hours to Monday 05:59 hours Flat rate $3.00
Lost ticket charge Flat rate $18.00

Parking Lot Permits

Fees listed in the table below are inclusive of applicable taxes.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Anglin Lot Monthly $106.00
Armstrong Memorial Lot Monthly $106.00
Barrack Lot Monthly $106.00
Byron Lot Monthly $106.00
Chown Memorial Garage Monthly $158.50
Doug Fluhrer Lot Monthly $92.25
Kingston Market Square Hotel Garage Monthly $158.50
Frontenac Lot Monthly $106.00
Frontenac County Court House Lot Monthly $126.50
Gorsline Lot Monthly $106.00
Hanson Memorial Garage Monthly $158.50
McKee Memorial Lot Monthly $106.00
Ordnance Lot Monthly $106.00
Pump House Lot (Steam Museum) Monthly $106.00
Rideaucrest Lot Monthly $106.00
Springer Memorial Lot Monthly $126.50

Parking Lot Event Rates

Fees listed in the table below are inclusive of applicable taxes.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Anglin Lot Flat rate $5.00
Angrove Lot Flat rate $5.00
Barrack Lot Flat rate $6.00
Drury Lot Flat rate $6.00
Frontenac Lot Flat rate $6.00
Lower Robert Bruce Memorial Lot Flat rate $4.00
Springer Memorial Lot Flat rate $4.00
Upper Robert Bruce Memorial Lot Flat rate $4.00

Parking Space Rental

Application: Fee includes HST, based on 1.5 hours staff time. Additional time charged at hourly rate listed below.

Fees listed in the table below are inclusive of applicable taxes.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Application Hourly $85.00
Staff rate Hourly $57.00
Set up Hourly $52.00
Contractors, movers, producers - construction projects, moving of furniture or goods, filming, or other legitimate projects Hourly 25%, 50% or 100% rounding up on the daily meter rate in the area, per space, based on occupancy in the area
Contractors, movers, producers - construction projects, moving of furniture or goods, filming, or other legitimate projects Deposit per sign, meter hood, barricade $71.50
Contractors, movers, producers - construction projects, moving of furniture or goods, filming, or other legitimate projects Deposit per pylon $36.50
Churches - weddings and funerals - 6 spaces - from one hour prior to service to end of service Annually $147.00
Funeral homes - funerals - 6 spaces - from one hour prior to service to end of service Annually $147.00

Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Level 2 charging station (240VAC) Hourly $1.85
Level 2 charging station (208VAC) Hourly $1.60
Level 3 charging station Hourly $20.75


Fees in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Garbage bag tags Each $4.00

Source Separated Organics and Composting

Fees in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Kitchen containers Each $3.72
Backyard composters Each $50.00

Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Users of Municipal and Contracted Compost Sites

Fee is waived if the hauler has a letter confirming the source is a residential City property.

Fees in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Compostable yard waste and brush Tonne $72.96

Hazardous Waste from Residents of Neighbouring Municipalities without a Service Agreement

Fee charged to municipality. Residents must have a letter from their municipality acknowledging that they will pay the City of Kingston fee.

Fees in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Handling and disposal fee Maximum 100 kilograms or litres $42.96

Small Quantity Industrial, Commercial & Institutional Hazardous Waste that is exempt from Registration (Maximum of 100 kilograms or litres in total per month)

Fees in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Handling fee Per delivery $37.96

Disposal Fees

Fees in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Fertilizer Litre or kilogram container capacity $1.59
Aerosol containers - including empty but pressurized Each $0.53
Fire extinguishers Each $5.13
Liquid industrial waste - fire fighting foam Litre or kilogram container capacity $2.52
Fluorescent lamps - maximum 100 linear feet Linear foot $0.31
Compact fluorescent lamps Each $1.37
High pressure sodium, mercury vapour, metal halide Each $1.90
Inorganic acids - hydrochloric, sulphuric, phosphoric, etc. Litre container capacity $1.81
Inorganic bases - ammonia, carbonates, hydroxides, etc. Litre or kilogram container capacity $1.81
Inorganic oxidizers - fertilizer, peroxide, nitrates, etc. Litre or kilogram container capacity $2.88
Mercury - thermometers, thermostats, switches, etc. Each $1.64
Oil Litre $0.04
Miscellaneous organics greater than 4 litres - solvents/non-solvents and adhesives, glue, turpentine, naphtha, etc. Litre or kilogram container capacity $0.53
Miscellaneous organics less than 4 litres - solvents/non-solvents and adhesives, glue, turpentine, naphtha, etc. Litre or kilogram container capacity $1.90
Pesticides - herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, etc. Litre or kilogram container capacity $2.61
Petroleum distillates/light fuels - gasoline, kerosene, etc. Litre $0.71

Disposal Fees for Other Materials

Fees in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Propane tank Up to 40 pounds $37.96 - handling fee only
Pressurized cylinder - helium, oxygen, etc. Up to 40 pounds $37.96 - handling fee only
Dry cell batteries Single use and rechargeable $37.96 - handling fee only
Paint - latex & alkyd Maximum 30 litre container $37.96 - handling fee only
Oil filters Each $37.96 - handling fee only
Empty automotive containers Maximum 30 litre container $37.96 - handling fee only
Antifreeze Maximum 30 litre container $37.96 - handling fee only


Fees in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Recycling boxes – in addition to blue and grey boxes provided Each $5.93

Recycling – Commercial Users

The fee charged to users shall be adjusted monthly, based on market conditions, at the delegated discretion of the Director of Solid Waste.

Fees in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Newsprint and mixed office paper Tonne Adjusted monthly
Mixed fibres Tonne Adjusted monthly
Corrugated cardboard Tonne Adjusted monthly
Mixed containers - blue box mix Tonne Adjusted monthly
Mixed containers - no glass Tonne Adjusted monthly
Polycoat Tonne Adjusted monthly
Polystyrene Tonne Adjusted monthly
Film plastic Tonne Adjusted monthly
Clear glass containers Tonne Adjusted monthly
Coloured and mixed glass containers Tonne Adjusted monthly
Steel cans Tonne Adjusted monthly

Recycling – Special Events

No recycling processing fee is charged for toters and trailers and the delivery and collection fee may be waived at the delegated discretion of the Director of Solid Waste.

A contamination fee is charged per tonne of material delivered that, at the discretion and authority of the Director of Solid Waste, contains more than 5% by weight contamination (non-recyclables).

( Fees in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Recycling toter delivery and collection Up to 6 toters $219.25
Recycling toter delivery and collection 7 – 15 toters $392.57
Mobile recycling trailer delivery and collection Trailer $58.94
Contamination fee collected (contains more than 5% non-recyclables) Tonne $127.43


Fees in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Use of weight scale Per transaction $15.62


The following categories apply to Kingston Transit Fares:

  • Child: ages 14 and under ride for free
  • Youth: ages 15 - 24
  • Adult: ages 25 - 64
  • Senior: ages 65+

Single Cash Fares

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Adult, youth and senior Single case fare $3.50
CNIB cardholder Single case fare $0.10

Multi-Ride Cards

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Adult 6 ride card $17.15
Youth and senior 6 ride card $14.00


Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Adult Week - 7 consecutive days $30.50
Commuter Month $71.50
Adult Month $83.00
Youth and senior Month $61.75
Adult – Municipal Fee Assistance Program (MFAP) eligible Affordable Transit Pass Calendar month $20.00
Youth and senior – Municipal Fee Assistance Program (MFAP) eligible Affordable Transit Pass Calendar month $14.88
Adult, youth and senior Day $10.00
Adult, youth and senior Conference and Event Pass - up to five days per attendee $15.00
CNIB cardholder Annual $25.00
Post Secondary - Semester Semester (Fall, Winter, Spring/Summer) $220.00
Field Trip Annual $40.00
Newcomer 30 day $83.00
Smart Cards - reloadable Initial and replacement $3.00

Employer Group Pass

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Employer Group Pass - per employee Month $61.75

Requirements for Determining Permit Fees:

  • Gross floor area of the proposed work is to be measured to the outer face of walls (excluding residential attached garages) and to the centre line of party walls, firewalls, or demising walls.
  • In the case of interior finishes, alterations or renovations, area of proposed work is the actual space receiving the work, e.g., tenant suite.
  • Mechanical penthouses and floors, mezzanines, lofts, habitable attics, and interior balconies are to be included in all floor area calculations.
  • Except for interconnected floor spaces, no deductions are made for openings within the floor area (e.g., stairs, elevators, escalators, shafts, ducts, etc.).
  • Unfinished basements for single detached dwellings, semi-detached dwellings and townhouses are not included in the floor area.
  • Where there is no floor or walls, the gross floor area shall be the greatest horizontal area of the structure (birds eye view).
  • Where demolition of partitions or alterations to existing ceilings are part of an alteration or renovation permit, no additional charge is applicable.
  • Corridors, lobbies, washrooms, lounges, etc. are to be included and classified according to the major occupancy for the floor area on which they are located.
  • The occupancy categories in this schedule correspond with the major occupancy classifications in the Ontario Building Code. For multiple occupancy floor areas, the permit fees for each of the applicable occupancy categories may be used, except where an occupancy category is less than 10% of the floor area.
  • The minimum fee for all permits is $147.55, when applicable.

Group A: Assembly Buildings

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Shell permit Meter square $25.25
New and additions Meter square $32.30
Alterations and renovations Meter square $7.10

Group B: Institutional Buildings

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Shell permit Meter square $25.55
New and additions Meter square $32.55
Alterations and renovations Meter square $7.10

Group C: Residential Buildings

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
New and additions - single detached, semi- detached and row house Meter square $14.50
New and additions - multi-unit buildings, motels, hotels Meter square $17.05
Alterations and renovations Meter square $4.65
Secondary suites - single-detached, semi- detached and row house Meter square $4.65
Swimming pool enclosure Each $244.70
Accessory structure - garage, carport, shed Each $244.70
Solar panel - any area Each $329.65

Group D: Business and Personal Services Buildings

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Shell permit Meter square $15.70
New and additions Meter square $22.70
Alterations and renovations Meter square $7.10

Group E: Mercantile Buildings

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Shell permit Meter square $12.25
New and additions Meter square $19.30
Alterations and renovations Meter square $7.10

Group F: Industrial and Agricultural Buildings

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Shell permit Meter square $8.00
New and additions Meter square $15.10
Alterations and renovations Meter square $7.10

Other Permit Classes

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Decks/patios Each $244.70
Solar panels - non-residential Application $659.10
Temporary structures Application $244.70
Demolitions Meter square $1.15
Wood burning appliances Each $244.70
Designated structures Each $467.35
Signs Application $244.70

Mechanical and Fire Protection Systems

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Independent of Building Permit

Fee Description Unit Fee
HVAC Permit - residential and non-residential Suite $244.70
New and alterations to sprinkler system, standpipe system, or fire suppression system Each $623.50
Commercial kitchen exhaust system, spray booth, dust collector Each $442.70
New and alterations to fire alarm system System $244.70
Electromagnetic locks, hold open devices, emergency lighting Application $244.70

Plumbing Permits

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Independent of Building Permit

Fee Description Unit Fee
New and alterations - residential Fixture $12.30
New and alterations - non-residential Fixture $14.75
Backflow prevention devices Application $147.55
Sewer lateral Each $244.70
Back water valve Each $147.55

Sewage System Permits

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Class 2 (greywater pit) sewage systems and Class 3 (cesspool) sewage system System $950.00
Class 4 (leaching bed) sewage systems – 4,500 litres per day or less System $950.00
Class 4A (leaching bed) sewage systems - greater than 4,500 litres per day System $1,050.00
Class 5 (holding tank) sewage systems – 4,500 litres per day or less System $950.00
Class 5A (holding tank) sewage systems - greater than 4,500 litres per day System $1,050.00
Additional inspections and changes of installers Each $250.00
Septic tank installation only Each $750.00
Performance review for renovation or building addition Each $500.00
Performance review for adding a pool, shed or garage Each $250.00
Minor Variance or Zoning By-law Amendment Each $450.00
Minor Variance or Zoning By-law Amendment with performance review Each $700.00
Subdivision or Condominium Application Lot $500.00
Severance or Lot Addition Application Lot $500.00
Certificate of Approval renewal Certificate $150.00

Administrative Fees

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
File search File $163.90
Conditional permit - minimum fee - $300.00 Permit 10% of required permit fee
Pre-inspection prior to permit issuance or re-inspection Inspection/Suite $61.55
Expedited plan review Hourly $113.40
Fence and Sign By-law Appeal Each $327.80
Alternative solution proposal - minimum fee - $2,000.00 Hourly $309.00
Preliminary project review and revisions to an issued permit Hourly $113.40
Limiting Distance Agreement Each $369.00
Change of Use Permit - no construction Each $369.00
Construction prior to permit issuance - minimum fee - $200.00 Each 40% of required permit fee

Animal Registration

First time registration fee is waived for dogs and cats that are:

  • under 6 months of age.
  • over 6 months of age but are spayed/neutered.

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Dogs – with microchip

Fee Description Unit Fee
Intact Each $50.00
Spayed/neutered - first 2 dogs Each $30.00
Spayed/neutered - each additional dog Each $10.00

Dogs – without microchip

Fee Description Unit Fee
Intact Each $60.00
Spayed/neutered - first 2 dogs Each $40.00
Spayed/neutered - each additional dog Each $15.00

Cats – with microchip

Fee Description Unit Fee
Intact Each $20.00
Spayed/neutered - first 2 cats Each $13.00
Spayed/neutered - each additional cat Each $4.00

Cats - without microchip

Fee Description Unit Fee
Intact Each $30.00
Spayed/neutered - first 2 cats Each $15.00
Spayed/neutered - each additional cat Each $5.00

Other Animal Related Fees

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Administrative fee for not obtaining a tag Occurrence $141.40
Administrative fee for appeal Occurrence $327.80
Bylaw Number 2021-166, Animal Control Bylaw, and/or Dog Owners' Liability Act - fee for convicted owner Occurrence 50%
Hen coop registration Each $30.00
Kennel registration Each $330.00
Recovery of animal from animal shelter Each $99.10
Tag replacement Each $7.20

Noise Exemption

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Application for noise exemption (Delegated Authority) Each $103.00
Re-application for noise exemption (Delegated Authority) Each $61.80
Application for noise exemption (Council Authority) Each $358.25
Re-application for noise exemption (Council Authority) Each $224.90

Business Licenses

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt unless "plus HST" is indicated. Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.


Fee Description Unit Fee
Adult entertainment attendants Each $173.00
Adult entertainment establishment Each $1,696.00
Adult entertainment store Each $509.00
Amusement arcade Each $173.00
Auctioneer Each $173.00
Automotive repair Each $90.00
Bill poster Each $172.00
Billiards - first table Each $89.00
Billiards - additional table Each $44.00
Food premises - low risk 0 - 99 seats $132.00
Food premises - low risk 100 seats and over $217.00
Food premises - medium risk 0 - 99 seats $261.00
Food premises - medium risk 100 seats and over $344.00
Food premises - high risk 0 - 99 seats $434.00
Food premises - high risk 100 seats and over $518.00
Gas Station Station $87.00
Group Home registration Each $173.00
Hawkers & Peddlars - non-resident Each $176.00
Hawkers & Peddlars - resident Each $88.00
Lodging House Each $172.00
Meat/Fish Sales Each $88.00
Motorized Refreshment Vehicle - Class A Food prepared and cooked on-site Each $389.00
Motorized Refreshment Vehicle - Class B Food prepared and cooked off-site Each $389.00
Non-Motorized Refreshment Vehicle - Class C Food prepared and cooked on-site Each $176.00
Non-Motorized Refreshment Vehicle - Class D Food prepared and cooked off-site Each $89.00
Non-Motorized Refreshment Vehicle - Class E Class A/B operating less than 1 month Each $202.00
Pawnbroker Each $172.00
Pay day loans Initial $338.00
Pay day loans Annual renewal $172.00
Pet shop Each $172.00
Salon Each $88.00
Short-term Rental Brokerage – Tier 1 Less than 100 listings $500.00
Short-term Rental Brokerage – Tier 2 101 plus listings $1,500.00
Short-term rental operator's license Each $197.00
Specific day sales - Class A-1: sale by a local hobby group or club (one to five days) Each event $46.00
Specific day sales - Class A-2: flower sale by a local flower vendor (one to five days) Location or vendor $45.00
Specific day sales - Class A-3: flower sale by another person (one to five days) Location or vendor $1,017.00
Specific day sales - Class A-4: special sale and/or purchase by a resident (one to five days) Vendor $848.00
Specific day sales - Class A-5: special sale and/or purchase by a non-resident (one to five days) Each event $2,541.00
Specific day sales - Class B-1: sale and/or purchase by a resident (6 days to 6 months) First month $172.00
Specific day sales - Class B-1: sale and/or purchase by a resident (6 days to 6 months) Each additional month $45.00
Specific day sales - Class B-2: sale and/or purchase by a non-resident (6 days to 6 months) First month $1,695.00
Specific day sales - Class B-2: sale and/or purchase by a non-resident (6 days to 6 months) Each additional month $508.00
Specific location sale: Class 2 Market Square Daily $52.00
Specific location sale: Class 3 2 Locations: Schedule S-3 of Bylaw 2006-213 Annually $8,400.00 plus HST
Street performer Each $45.00
Theatre Each $344.00
Tobacco sales Each $339.00

Sign Permits

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Portable sign Monthly $79.00
"A" Frame or sandwich board Annually $95.00
Boulevard sign Plumbing Contractors & Masters Weekly $61.00

Plumbing Contractors & Masters

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Contractor - resident Each $334.00
Contractor - non-resident Each $412.00
Master Plumber - resident Master Plumber - non-resident Each Each $166.00 $202.00

Refreshment Vehicles in Parks

All fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Class A/B - approved parks 1 month $442.48
Class A/B - approved parks 12 months $4,246.02
Class C/D - Confederation Basin 12 months $4,246.02
Class C/D - other approved parks 1 month $220.35
Class C/D - other approved parks 12 months $2,115.93
Class E - approved parks Daily $147.79
Non-vehicle - self-contained food and beverage Each $5,307.08

Administrative Monetary Penalties

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Hearing officer appeal Each $206.00
Screening officer appeal Each $51.50

Attendance at Nuisance Party

Fees are per officer, per hour (or part thereof).

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Kingston Fire & Rescue Officer/Hourly $98.35
Kingston Police Officer/Hourly $98.35
City of Kingston Bylaw Officer/Hourly $98.35

Administrative Fees

Fees listed in the table below are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt unless "plus HST" is indicated. Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Failure to obtain a portable sign or sandwich board sign permit - administrative fee Each $150.50
Property standards/yards re-inspection - after first inspection to confirm compliance of any order Each $150.00
Written request for bylaw and/or work order and/or compliance letter Each $126.70
Photocopies or printing of documents including Freedom of Information, per side, plus search fees Each $0.31 plus HST
Photocopies or printing of documents - colour Each $1.33 plus HST
Property Standards Application for Appeals Each $327.80
Property Standards/Yards - Charges for administration of remedial work and repairs Each $145.65
Property Standards/Yards - Charges for administration of remedial work and repairs – surcharge if cost greater than administrative fee above Each 15% of remedial costs
Administrative Penalty Fee - screening no-show Each $58.00
Administrative Penalty Fee - hearing appeal no-show Each $116.00
Administrative Penalty Fee - delinquent payment of fine Each $28.95
Short-term Rental License Bylaw Appeal Each $327.80
Order of Remedy Each $150.00


"MTO Fire Response Highway Dependent Rate" means the rates issued in the fourth quarter of each year by the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) for use by municipal fire services which rate shall be posted by 31st December of each year to be applied in the following calendar year.

Reports and Records

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) unless "HST exempt" is indicated. Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Request for fire report and/or investigation report (per address) Report $206.37
Clearance letter Letter $206.37 HST exempt
File search (per address) File $206.37 HST exempt
Request for letters or reports within 48 hours Letter $309.54 HST exempt
Fire Safety Plan review of revisions Each $206.37
Copy of photograph - print or digital - $20.00 minimum Copy $3.32

Compliance Inspections

Fees apply only to requested inspections and are non-refundable.

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Vulnerable occupancy compliance drill retest Each $206.37
Fire Code - second re-inspection and subsequent inspection Inspection $206.37

Paid Inspection – Commercial (Group A, D & E Occupancy)

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Inspect base building Inspection $288.90
Inspect each occupancy in addition to base building Each $14.04

Paid Inspection – Industrial (Group F Occupancy)

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Inspect base building Inspection $433.35
Inspect each tenant/occupant in addition to base building Each $14.04

Paid Inspection – Residential (Group C)

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Daycare, Group Home, Single Family resident, PLASP, one to two floors Inspection $206.37

Multi-Tenant Low Rise – three to six floors

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Inspect base building Inspection $577.81
Inspect each tenant/occupancy/apartment Each $14.04

Multi-Tenant High Rise – over six floors:

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Inspect base building Inspection $1,155.62
Inspect each tenant/occupancy/apartment Each $14.04

Special Request Inspection Services

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Inspections performed outside of normal business hours - minimum three-hour fee Hourly $123.82

False Alarms

False alarm fees will be invoiced as per the City of Kingston False Alarm Bylaw



Fees in the table below are HST exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
First offence in fiscal year Property $0.00
Second offence in fiscal year Property MTO Fire Response Highway Dependent Rate
Third offence in fiscal year Property MTO Fire Response Highway Dependent Rate
Additional offences in fiscal year Property MTO Fire Response Highway Dependent Rate
Standby fee Half hour $217.50
Non-notification of fire alarm work Property $265.25

Hazardous Material

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) unless "HST exempt" is indicated. Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Physical resources and supplies Each Replacement cost
Hazardous material miscellaneous Apparatus MTO Fire Response Highway Dependent Rate

Unauthorized Burning

Fee Description Unit Fee
Unauthorized burning Response MTO Fire Response Highway Dependent Rate

Non-Resident Response

Non-resident response fees apply to non-residents of the City of Kingston on provincially, federally, or municipally controlled lands or highways.

Fees in the table below are HST exempt.

Fee Description Unit Fee
First hour or part thereof Apparatus MTO Fire Response Highway Dependent Rate
Each additional half hour Apparatus MTO Fire Response Highway Dependent Rate

Fire Extinguisher Training

Fees are per requested date, per location, for a group of up to a maximum of 25 people per session.

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Monday to Friday - between 09:00 – 17:00 hours Half day session $330.18
Monday to Friday - between 09:00 – 17:00 hours Full day session $660.35
Monday to Friday, weekends and statutory holidays - between 17:00 – 09:00 hours Half day session $495.27
Monday to Friday, weekends and statutory holidays - between 17:00 – 09:00 hours Full day session $990.53

Live Fire Training

Discounts to multi-day and weekly rentals may be applied at the discretion of the Fire Chief.

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Burn tower rental Full day $1,785.09
Burn tower rental Half day $895.50
Car and quad prop rental Full day $714.03
Car and quad prop rental Half day $356.99

Non-live Fire Training

Discounts to multi-day and weekly rentals may be applied at the discretion of the Fire Chief.

Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Confined space rescue simulator rental Each $416.50
Structural collapse simulator rental Each $416.50
Trench rescue simulator rental Each $416.50
Roof top prop rental Each $416.50
Facility monitor Person/hourly $89.25
Lead instructor Person/hourly $104.73
Portable classroom Full day $356.99
Fee Description Unit Fee
Portable classroom Half day $178.45
Ontario Fire College course registration Person Call for quote
Kingston Fire and Rescue course fee - includes cost of Ontario Fire College course registration Person Call for quote


Fees listed in the table below do not include applicable taxes and are subject to HST (Harmonized Sales Tax). Applicable taxes will be added at time of purchase.

Fee Description Unit Fee
Smoke and CO alarm replacement Each $41.25 plus cost
Incidentals and optional equipment (e.g. thermal imaging camera, portable radio, etc.) Each Call for quote
Scene security - contracted services Each Cost
Building security/boarding - contracted services Each Cost
Consumables (e.g. liquid smoke, wooden pallets, etc.) Each At market rate

The City of Kingston acknowledges that we are on the traditional homeland of the Anishinabek, Haudenosaunee, and the Huron-Wendat, and thanks these nations for their care and stewardship over this shared land.

Today, the City is committed to working with Indigenous peoples and all residents to pursue a united path of reconciliation.

Learn more about the City's reconciliation initiatives.

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