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Private Property Parking Bylaw

Bylaw #: 99-166

Description: Prohibits the parking of vehicles on private property or property owned by the City without consent.

Date passed: May 18, 1999

Disclaimer: Bylaws contained in this section have been prepared for research and reference purposes only. The original Private Property Parking Bylaw in pdf format is available from the Office of the City Clerk upon request.

Name of Institution

  • Bayhill Development Limited
  • Bendale Property Management – Royal George Condominium at 5 Gore Street
  • Bendale Property Management – Sexton Place Properties – 156 Unit Townhouse Community
  • Canada Customs & Revenue Agency
  • Canadian Tire
  • Cantebury Gardens
  • Cataraqui Town Centre
  • City of Kingston Employees
  • Community Support Services, Providence Care, Mental Health Services – 525 Montreal Street
  • Frontenac Condominium Corporation #10, 15, 20, 23, 39 & 51
  • Frontenac Condominium Corporation #68 – River Park Condominium
  • Unicum Management Corporation
  • Gilad Parking at 19 Brock Street
  • Homestead Landholdings
  • Homestead Landholdings
  • Hotel Dieu Hospital
  • Houde-Shulman Property Management
  • Inside & Out Home and Garden
  • Jumbo Video/Microplay
  • Kincore Holdings Ltd.
  • Kingston and Frontenac Housing Corporation
  • Kingston Collegiate & Vocational Institute Queen's University
  • Kingston Co-Operative Homes Inc.
  • Kingston General Hospital
  • Kingston Psychiatric Hospital
  • Kingstown Investment Inc.
  • Kingston Shopping Centre
  • Kingston Transit
  • Ewen MacKinnon/ Property Owner and managed by: Development Corporation

Name of Property

  • Kingston Yacht Club
  • Liquor Control Board Of Ontario Store #40
  • Norman Rogers Airport
  • Ontario Realty Corporation
  • Osgoode Properties Ltd. (2)
  • Phase 2 Clothing Inc.
  • Pizza Pizza Store #706
  • 49 Place D'Armes
  • Porto Village Non-Profit Homes Inc.
  • Princess Towers
  • John Counter Boulevard at Montreal Street -Newmarket Lane and Ascot Lane
  • Frontenac Place – 780 Division Street
  • Providence Manor
  • Rendale Property Management
  • 94 Wright Crescent, 117 Park Street, 175 Park Street, 322 Brock Street, 346 Brock Street, 44 Old Oak Road, 62 Old Oak Road, 90 Curtis Crescent
  • Royal Kingston Curling Club
  • S & R Department Store
  • Shoppers Drug Mart
  • St. Lawrence College
  • St. Mary's of the Lake Hospital
  • St. Paul's Anglican Church,137 Queen Street
  • Soporific Investments Inc.
  • Town Homes Kingston
  • Varsity Properties
  • Via Rail
  • Westgate Square
  • 287 Westdale Avenue
  • YMCA
  • 112 Nelson Street
  • 134 Colborne Street
  • 206 Bagot Street
  • 402 Johnson Street
  • 196, 198 and 200 Union Street West
  • 149 Collingwood Street

Now Therefore the Council for the Corporation of the City of Kingston enacts as follows:

For the purposes of this Bylaw:

City means the Corporation of the City of Kingston;

Electric Vehicle means:

  1. a battery electric vehicle that runs only on a battery and an electric drive train, or
  2. a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle that runs on a battery and an electric drive train, and also uses an internal combustion engine;

Electric Vehicle Charging Station Space means a parking space that provides access to equipment that supplies a source of electricity for charging electric vehicles;

Motor Vehicle includes an automobile, bus, truck, motorcycle, motor assisted bicycle, motor scooter and any other vehicle propelled or driven other than by muscular power, but does not include an electric bicycle, a traction engine, farm tractor, other farm vehicle, or machine used for road construction or maintenance;

Municipal Law Enforcement Officer includes, for the purposes of this bylaw, all persons appointed under Section 15 of the Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 15, as amended, by the Director of Transportation to enforce provisions of this bylaw in specific areas, as designated;

Owner when used in relation to property means:

  1. the registered owner of the property;
  2. the registered owner of a condominium unit whose consent shall extend only to the control of the unit of which he is owner and any parking spaces allotted to him by the condominium corporation, or reserved for his exclusive use in the declaration or description of the property;
  3. where the property is included in a description registered under The Condominium Act, the Board of Directors of the Condominium Corporation;
  4. A person authorized in writing by the property owner defined in clauses (a), (b), or (d) above, to act on the owner's behalf for requesting enforcement of this bylaw.

Occupant means:

  1. The tenant of the property or part thereof whose consent shall extend only to the control of the land of which he is tenant and any parking spaces allotted to him under his lease or tenancy agreement;
  2. A person or a municipality or a local board thereof having an interest in the property under an easement or right-of-way granted or expropriated by the person, municipality or local board, whose consent shall extend only to the part of the property that is subject to the easement or right-of-way; and
  3. A person authorized in writing by an occupant as defined in clauses (a) or (b) above, to act on the occupant's behalf for requesting the enforcement of this bylaw.

Park when applied to a vehicle means to stop for any period longer than actually required to take or to discharge passengers, or to load or unload merchandise;

Provincial Offences Officer means a bylaw enforcement officer of the City and a Kingston Police Officer.

Vehicle includes a motor vehicle and any other vehicle drawn, propelled or driven by any kind of power, including muscular power.

The parking or leaving of motor vehicles on private property or on property of the City of Kingston or any local board thereof, without the consent of the owner or occupant of the private property or the consent of the municipality or local board in the case of property owned or occupied by the City of Kingston or a local board thereof is hereby prohibited.

  1. The parking or leaving of motor vehicles in any persons with disabilities parking area located on private property or on property of the City of Kingston or any local board thereof without the consent of the owner or occupant of the private property or the consent of the municipality or local bard in the case of property owned or occupied by the City of Kingston or a local board thereof is hereby prohibited.
  2. No person will park a vehicle or any part of a vehicle in an electric vehicle station space that is identified by signage unless the vehicle is an electric vehicle and the electric vehicle is attached to the station's charging equipment and is charging.

Any vehicle parked or left in contravention of this bylaw may be removed and impounded or be restrained and immobilized at the owner's expense, and all costs and charges for removing, care and storage of the vehicle shall be a lien upon the vehicle, which may be enforced in the manner provided by the Repair and Storage Liens Act, as amended.

All costs and charges for the removing, care and storage of the vehicle shall be a lien upon the vehicle and may be enforced in the manner provided by the Repair and Storage Liens Act, R.S.O. 1990, C.R. 25, as amended.

The driver of a motor vehicle not being the owner shall be liable to the penalties provided for in this bylaw. The owner is also liable to the penalties provided for in this bylaw, unless at the time the offence was committed the motor vehicle was in the possession of a person other than the owner, without the owner's consent.

Where an owner or an occupant of property affected by this bylaw has posted signs stating conditions on which motor vehicles may be parked or left on the property or prohibiting the parking or leaving of a vehicle on the property, a motor vehicle parked or left on the property contrary to such conditions or prohibition, shall be deemed to have been parked or left without consent.

A Municipal Law Enforcement Officer or a Provincial Offences Officer appointed under the Police Services Act to enforce this bylaw in respect of a particular property shall be deemed to have the written authority of the owner or occupant of the property to enforce this bylaw.

  1. Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this bylaw shall, in addition to any other penalty provided for in this bylaw, be guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a penalty in the discretion of the convicting Provincial Judge or Justice of the Peace acting within his territorial jurisdiction as provided for under the Provincial Offences Act. The owner of a vehicle that is parked in contravention of this bylaw is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a fine as provided for under the Provincial Offences Act unless the owner proves to the satisfaction of the Court that at the time of the offence the motor vehicle was in the possession of another person, without the owner's consent, express or implied. Upon a conviction being entered, the Court in which the conviction was entered may, in addition to any other remedy and to any penalty imposed in this bylaw, make an Order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence by the person convicted.
  2. Every person to whom a parking infraction notice has been issued alleging that a provision of this bylaw has been contravened may, within seven days of the issuance of the parking infraction notice, make a voluntary reduced payment to the City of the penalty for that offence, if the offence allows for a voluntary reduced payment.
  3. The affixing of a parking infraction notice to a vehicle is an optional procedure, and nothing herein is to be construed as a prohibition against the issuing of a summons in the first instance alleging a breach of Bylaw 99-166.

Bylaw 5615 entitled "A Bylaw to Prohibit the Parking or Leaving of Motor Vehicles on Private Property or Property of the Municipality or any Board thereof Without Authority from the Owner or Occupant of such Property and to Provide for the Removal and Impounding of any Vehicle so Parked or Left at the Expense of the Owner Thereof", and Bylaw 7398 entitled "A Bylaw to Prohibit the Parking or Leaving of Motor Vehicles on Property of the Municipality or any Local Board Thereof where Parking by the Public is not Authorized and to Provide for the Removal and Impounding of any Vehicle so Parked or Left at the Expense of the Owner", are hereby repealed.

All changes to fine amounts and disabled parking spaces shall become effective upon approval being received for said fine amounts from the Ministry of the Attorney General and upon required signage and/or equipment being installed and pavement markings being added or removed, as necessary.

The Director of Transportation Services, or his or her designate, is granted delegated authority by Council to:

  1. approve the execution by the Mayor and Clerk of agreements for the issuance of City parking infraction notices on private property, and amend or rescind any agreement, as deemed necessary;
  2. appoint persons as municipal law enforcement officers for the purpose of issuing parking infraction notices under the provisions of Bylaw 99-166 on designated private properties, and revoke said appointment of any person, if deemed necessary.

Pursuant to the authority delegated under Section 11 of this bylaw, the Director of Transportation Services, and his or her designate, shall:

  1. be responsible for reviewing each application with respect to its eligibility for approval;
  2. maintain an up-to-date listing of authorized properties and persons appointed to issue parking infraction notices on said properties; and,
  3. ensure that each authorized property owner or occupant and each person appointed to issue City parking infraction notices complies with all municipal bylaws and statutory requirements.

The authorization by Council permitting the issuance of City parking infraction notices on a property by persons appointed for that purpose, as listed under Section 11 of this bylaw on the date of the passing of the amendment removing Section 11, shall continue to remain in effect, until such time that the Director of Transportation Services, or his or her designate, may rescind such authorization, as deemed necessary.

Every person applying to issue City parking infraction notices on private property shall meet the following requirements:

  1. be at least 18 years of age;
  2. provide a Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) criminal record check satisfactory to the City; and,
  3. successfully complete a parking infraction notice issuance orientation.

No person shall obstruct or hinder or attempt to obstruct or hinder any municipal law enforcement officer or any provincial offences officer who is performing a duty under this bylaw.


If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision, or any part of a provision, of this bylaw to be invalid, or to be of no force or effect, it is the intention of Council in enacting this bylaw that each and every provision of this bylaw authorized by law be applied and enforced in accordance with its terms to the extent possible according to law.


Bylaw Number Date Passed
Bylaw 99-194 June 1, 1999
Bylaw 99-213 June 1, 1999
Bylaw 99-247 July 13, 1999
Bylaw 99-259 September 7, 1999
Bylaw 2000-31 February 8, 2000
Bylaw 2000-58 March 7, 2000
Bylaw 2000-83 April 4, 2000
Bylaw 2000-116 May 2, 2000
Bylaw 2000-158 June 13, 2000
Bylaw 2000-224 September 19, 2000
Bylaw 2000-289 October 11, 2000
Bylaw 2000-317 November 7, 2000
Bylaw 2000-325 November 7, 2000
Bylaw 2000-355 November 7, 2000
Bylaw 2001-15 January 23, 2001
Bylaw 2001-38 February 6, 2001
Bylaw 2001-40 February 6, 2001
Bylaw 2001-43 February 6, 2001
Bylaw 2001-51 February 21, 2001
Bylaw 2001-65 February 21, 2001
Bylaw 2001-75 March 6, 2001
Bylaw 2001-83 March 20, 2001
Bylaw 2001-87 April 3, 2001
Bylaw 2001-133 June 19, 2001
Bylaw 2001-168 June 26, 2001
Bylaw 2001-224 October 9, 2001
Bylaw 2001-246 November 6, 2001
Bylaw 2001-259 November 6, 2001
Bylaw 2002-3 December 18, 2001
Bylaw 2002-7 December 18, 2001
Bylaw 2002-12 January 8, 2002
Bylaw 2002-29 January 22, 2002
Bylaw 2002-30 January 22, 2002
Bylaw 2002-34 February 5, 2002
Bylaw 2002-35 February 5, 2002
Bylaw 2002-36 February 5, 2002
Bylaw 2002-61 April 2, 2002
Bylaw 2002-126 June 4, 2002
Bylaw 2002-150 June 25, 2002
Bylaw 2002-151 June 25, 2002
Bylaw 2002-152 June 25, 2002
Bylaw 2002-153 June 25, 2002
Bylaw 2002-205 September 3, 2002
Bylaw 2002-211 September 11, 2002
Bylaw 2002-214 September 3, 2002
Bylaw 2002-215 September 17, 2002
Bylaw 2002-216 September 17, 2002
Bylaw 2002-217 September 17, 2002
Bylaw 2002-224 September 17, 2002
Bylaw 2002-232 October 22, 2002
Bylaw 2003-12 December 17, 2002
Bylaw 2003-41 January 21, 2003
Bylaw 2003-42 January 21, 2003
Bylaw 2003-53 February 4, 2003
Bylaw 2003-92 May 6, 2003
Bylaw 2003-122 June 3, 2003
Bylaw 2003-137 June 17, 2003
Bylaw 2003-138 June 17, 2003
Bylaw 2003-143 June 24, 2003
Bylaw 2003-144 June 24, 2003
Bylaw 2003-184 July 15, 2003
Bylaw 2003-345 July 29, 2003
Bylaw 2003-346 July 29, 2003
Bylaw 2003-365 September 9, 2003
Bylaw 2003-373 September 16, 2003
Bylaw 2003-384 September 23, 2003
Bylaw 2003-397 October 28, 2003
Bylaw 2004-82 April 6, 2004
Bylaw 2004-113 May 18, 2004
Bylaw 2004-178 June 22, 2004
Bylaw 2004-179 June 22, 2004
Bylaw 2004-235 July 14, 2004
Bylaw 2004-236 July 14, 2004
Bylaw 2004-258 September 7, 2004
Bylaw 2004-332 November 16, 2004
Bylaw 2004-334 November 9, 2004
Bylaw 2004-342 November 30, 2004
Bylaw 2004-343 November 30, 2004
Bylaw 2004-348 December 7, 2004
Bylaw 2005-23 January 18, 2005
Bylaw 2005-52 March 1, 2005
Bylaw 2005-59 March 22, 2005
Bylaw 2005-68 April 5, 2005
Bylaw 2005-69 April 5, 2005
Bylaw 2005-71 April 5, 2005
Bylaw 2005-72 April 5, 2005
Bylaw 2005-95 May 3, 2005
Bylaw 2005-123 May 17, 2005
Bylaw 2005-134 June 7, 2005
Bylaw 2005-135 May 17-2005
Bylaw 2005-144 June 7, 2005
Bylaw 2005-147 June 21, 2005
Bylaw 2005-195 July 19, 2005
Bylaw 2005-216 August 23, 2005
Bylaw 2005-245 October 18, 2005
Bylaw 2005-252 November 1, 2005
Bylaw 2005-264 November 15, 2005
Bylaw 2005-266 November 1, 2005
Bylaw 2005-267 November 1, 2005
Bylaw 2006-50 February 7, 2006
Bylaw 2006-110 February 7, 2006
Bylaw 2006-139 June 20, 2006
Bylaw 2006-140 June 20, 2006
Bylaw 2006-171 September 5, 2006
Bylaw 2006-245 November 21, 2006
Bylaw 2006-246 November 21, 2006
Bylaw 2007-6 January 9, 2007
Bylaw 2007-7 January 9, 2007
Bylaw 2007-27 February 27, 2007
Bylaw 2007-56 February 27, 2007
Bylaw 2007-57 February 27, 2007
Bylaw 2007-58 February 27, 2007
Bylaw 2007-87 April 3, 2007
Bylaw 2007-126 June 19, 2007
Bylaw 2007-133 July 24, 2007
Bylaw 2007-134 July 10, 2007
Bylaw 2007-211 November 6, 2007
Bylaw 2007-215 December 4, 2007
Bylaw 2008-4 December 4, 2007
Bylaw 2008-56 February 5, 2008
Bylaw 2008-92 April 15, 2008
Bylaw 2008-96 May 6, 2008
Bylaw 2008-118 June 3, 2008
Bylaw 2008-142 July 15, 2008
Bylaw 2008-151 September 16, 2008
Bylaw 2008-157 September 2, 2008
Bylaw 2009-9 January 6, 2009
Bylaw 2009-13 January 6, 2009
Bylaw 2009-46 March 3, 2009
Bylaw 2009-50 April 7, 2009
Bylaw 2009-58 April 21, 2009
Bylaw 2009-59 April 21, 2009
Bylaw 2009-60 April 21, 2009
Bylaw 2009-61 April 21, 2009
Bylaw 2009-62 April 21, 2009
Bylaw 2009-63 April 21, 2009
Bylaw 2009-98 August 4, 2009
Bylaw 2009-110 August 4, 2009
Bylaw 2009-127 September 15, 2009
Bylaw 2009-149 October 6, 2009
Bylaw 2009-165 November 17, 2009
Bylaw 2010-49 March 23, 2010
Bylaw 2010-55 April 6, 2010
Bylaw 2010-56 April 6, 2010
Bylaw 2010-57 April 6, 2010
Bylaw 2010-58 April 6, 2010
Bylaw 2010-59 April 6, 2010
Bylaw 2010-60 April 6, 2010
Bylaw 2010-65 March 23, 2010
Bylaw 2010-69 April 20, 2010
Bylaw 2010-97 May 4, 2010
Bylaw 2010-105 May 18, 2010
Bylaw 2010-207 October 5, 2010
Bylaw 2010-218 November 2, 2010
Bylaw 2011-21 February 1, 2011
Bylaw 2011-48 April 19, 2011
Bylaw 2011-54 May 3, 2011
Bylaw 2011-55 May 3, 2011
Bylaw 2011-56 May 3, 2011
Bylaw 2011-57 May 3, 2011
Bylaw 2011-58 May 3, 2011
Bylaw 2011-59 May 3, 2011
Bylaw 2011-60 May 3, 2011
Bylaw 2011-70 May 17, 2011
Bylaw 2011-71 May 17, 2011
Bylaw 2011-72 May 17, 2011
Bylaw 2011-73 May 17, 2011
Bylaw 2011-74 May 17, 2011
Bylaw 2011-75 May 17, 2011
Bylaw 2011-117 September 6, 2011
Bylaw 2011-118 September 6, 2011
Bylaw 2011-142 November 15, 2011
Bylaw 2012-8 December 7, 2011
Bylaw 2012-93 May 15, 2012
Bylaw 2012-126 August 14, 2012
Bylaw 2013-24 December 18, 2012
Bylaw 2013-52 March 5, 2013
Bylaw 2013-53 March 5, 2013
Bylaw 2013-88 April 23, 2013
Bylaw 2013-113 June 4, 2013
Bylaw 2013-114 June 4, 2013
Bylaw 2013-115 June 4, 2013
Bylaw 2013-159 September 10, 2013
Bylaw 2013-160 September 10, 2013
Bylaw 2013-161 September 10, 2013
Bylaw 2013-162 September 10, 2013
Bylaw 2013-163 September 10, 2013
Bylaw 2013-164 September 10, 2013
Bylaw 2013-165 September 10, 2013
Bylaw 2013-177 September 24, 2013
Bylaw 2013-178 September 24, 2013
Bylaw 2013-218 December 3, 2013
Bylaw 2014-8 January 7, 2014
Bylaw 2014-9 January 7, 2014
Bylaw 2014-10 January 7, 2014
Bylaw 2014-29 January 21, 2014
Bylaw 2014-53 April 1, 2014
Bylaw 2014-83 June 3, 2014
Bylaw 2014-105 July 16, 2014
Bylaw 2014-130 July 16, 2014
Bylaw 2014-131 July 16, 2014
Bylaw 2014-166 November 4, 2014
Bylaw 2014-167 November 4, 2014
Bylaw 2014-176 November 18, 2014
Bylaw 2014-188 December 16, 2014
Bylaw 2015-75 June 2, 2015
Bylaw 2015-99 June 2, 2015
Bylaw 2015-100 June 2, 2015
Bylaw 2015-110 July 14, 2015
Bylaw 2015-122 August 11, 2015
Bylaw 2015-185 November 3, 2015
Bylaw 2015-186 November 3, 2015
Bylaw 2015-199 December 1, 2015
Bylaw 2016-11 January 12, 2016
Bylaw 2016-27 May 3, 2016
Bylaw 2016-28 May 3, 2016
Bylaw 2016-29 May 3, 2016
Bylaw 2016-38 January 26, 2016
Bylaw 2016-39 January 26, 2016
Bylaw 2016-40 January 26, 2016
Bylaw 2016-41 January 26, 2016
Bylaw 2016-42 January 26, 2016
Bylaw 2016-52 February 17, 2016
Bylaw 2016-101 June 7, 2016
Bylaw 2016-102 June 7, 2016
Bylaw 2016-109 June 23, 2016
Bylaw 2016-149 August 9, 2016
Bylaw 2016-161 September 6, 2016
Bylaw 2016-162 September 6, 2016
Bylaw 2016-174 September 20, 2016
Bylaw 2016-188 October 18, 2016
Bylaw 2016-195 November 1, 2016
Bylaw 2017-11 January 10, 2017
Bylaw 2017-12 January 10, 2017
Bylaw 2024-102 January 9, 2024

The City of Kingston acknowledges that we are on the traditional homeland of the Anishinabek, Haudenosaunee, and the Huron-Wendat, and thanks these nations for their care and stewardship over this shared land.

Today, the City is committed to working with Indigenous peoples and all residents to pursue a united path of reconciliation.

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