Notice of Intention to pass a By-law to Designate The following property to be of Cultural Heritage Value and Interest Pursuant to the Provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act (R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.18)
Take Notice that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Kingston intends to pass a By-Law under Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.18, to designate the following lands to be of cultural heritage value and interest:
163 Brock Street (Part Lots 31-32 Plan D18 & Part Lot 2, N/S Brock St, Plan Selma Kingston City, Part 1, 13R6984; City of Kingston, County of Frontenac), known as the Dupuis House:
The Dupuis House is located on the north side of the road, at the northeast corner of Montreal and Brock Streets in downtown Kingston. The approximately 300 square metre property includes a two-and-a-half storey, red-brick residential building constructed for Dr. Thomas R. Dupuis circa 1883. The Dupuis House is an example of a vernacular brick building with prominent Italianate influences and constructed for use as both a home and office. Typical of this style is the symmetrical façade with projecting frontispiece, large projecting eaves and segmentally arched window openings. The gable on the façade, with eave returns, paired segmentally arched windows topped by voussoirs and decorative brackets add to the Italianate expression of this building. The building’s use as a residence and offices can be seen in the decorative details being carried onto the eastern elevation, and an entrance to the rear portion of the building. The property is of historical/associative value through its association with Dr. Thomas R. Dupuis. The property functioned as both his residence and medical office. The office was located in the rear section of the building (historic address of 7 Montreal Street). Dupuis studied medicine at Queen's College (now Queen’s University) graduating in 1860. He practiced medicine at Harrowsmith and Odessa before moving to Kingston in 1872. He was a physician and surgeon at the Kingston Hospital beginning in 1874. While in Kingston he made a significant mark by becoming a professor of Anatomy at Queen's, a lecturer of clinical surgery in 1880 at Queen's, and was involved in the establishment of the Cataraqui Medical Society (now the Kingston Medical Society). He served as alderman in Kingston from 1874–1880 and 1882. The property continued to function as a doctor's office and residence following Dupuis’ death from cholera in 1893. The Dupuis House is significant in defining the character of the streetscape along the north side of Brock Street, between Bagot and Montreal streets, which retains several nineteenth-century commercial buildings. The buildings on this section of Brock Street vary in height from one-and-a-half to two-and-a-half stories and the construction materials include red-brick, wood frame and limestone. With its shallow setback, grand appearance, red-brick construction, and prominent corner location, the Dupuis House shares a visual and historical relationship with its surroundings, particularly the stone building at 153-155 Brock Street and the brick building at 149 Brock Street. As part of this group of buildings, the subject building helps maintain the historic and eclectic character of this portion of Brock Street. Its heritage attributes include the two-and-a-half storey red-brick building with complex roof, symmetrical façade with original openings, various architectural detailing and limestone foundation.
Additional information, including a full description of the reasons for designation is available upon request from Ryan Leary, Senior Heritage Planner, Heritage Services at 613-546-4291, extension 3233, or at during regular business hours, or by visiting the Development and Services Hub at and searching by address.
Any notice of objection to this notice of intention to designate the property, setting out the reason for objection and all relevant facts, must be served upon the City Clerk within 30 days of the first publication of this notice.
Dated at the City of Kingston
This 11th day of June, 2024
Janet Jaynes, City Clerk
City of Kingston
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Kingston, ON K7L 2Z3
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