The monthly benefit is calculated using your household’s adjusted family net income (AFNI) as reported on your annual Notice of Assessment Line 23600. It is also based on the amount of rent you pay, and the Average Market Rent (AMR) assessed by the Ontario government for Kingston.
Current average market rents for Kingston are:
- 1 bedroom: $1333
- 2 bedroom: $1612
- 3 bedroom: $1850
- 4 bedroom: $2122
Monthly PHB = (greater of 80% AMR or actual rent, up to 100% AMR) – [ (AFNI x 30%) / 12]
If you are in receipt of OW or ODSP, then it is the lower amount of the PHB calculation or your actual rent minus your OW or ODSP shelter allowance.
If you are single and in receipt of ODSP and your AFNI = $ 15,696, your ODSP shelter allowance is $556, and your rent is $1600. You are eligible for a 1 bedroom which as an AMR of $1333.
Monthly PHB = [greater of 80% of $1333 or ($1600 up to $1333)] – [($15,696 x 30%) divided by 12 months]
= [greater amount of $1066.40 or $1333] – [$4,708.80 / 12]
= $1333 - $392.40
= $940.60
If your actual rent – ODSP shelter allowance is less than the calculation, then it would be that amount. $1600 - $556 = $1044, therefore the monthly PHB allowance is $940.60 (the lower amount).
This amount is reviewed yearly. You must file your taxes, provide proof of the amount of rent paid the previous year and submit your completed annual review form every year.
Logement social
Le logement social est subventionné par l’État. Il fournit des logements locatifs à prix modique ou des allocations de logement aux ménages à revenu faible à modeste. Le logement social est assujetti à la Loi de 2011 sur les services de logement.
La région de Kingston et Frontenac compte deux programmes de logement social :
Ces programmes prennent en considération le revenu et l’avoir des ménages. Un ménage s’entend de toutes les personnes vivant dans un même logement.